The Montreal Police Department has arrested a man who allegedly terrorized the film crew for the film “Scream” when the sixth installment in the series was filmed in Montreal last summer.
• Also read: “Scream” back 25 years later
The Toronto-based man reportedly took the horror film’s script a little too seriously.
Aret Mazmanyan, 37, would have terrorized the makers of the horror film, for which the man downright adores.
Director Tyler Gillett | Getty Images/AFP
He faces two charges, most notably of molesting Tyler Gillett, the film’s director, and causing him fear for his safety.
According to information from La Presse on Tuesday morning, the production team has received violent and aggressive messages since filming began.
The posts also referenced characters from the films.
Mazmanyan would have gone so far as to follow certain members of the film crew at work, but also in their free time, particularly at a metropolitan cinema. The director reportedly filed a complaint with the SPVM at this point.
Aret Mazmanyan appeared on August 8 and was back at the Montreal courthouse on Monday.
He will have to come back to this for the rest of the procedures.