Record is firing en masse firing even the biggest stars

Record is firing en masse, firing even the biggest stars

The deputy viewer’s new business model saw the sacking of names who had been in the cast for 17 years

In the last weeks of 2022, the recording has shaken the entire television market by initiating a fundamental overhaul of its dramaturgy division. To reduce costs, Edir Macedo’s transmitter It was another channel that virtually wiped out fixed contracts.

With the new business practice, several actors and actresses were fired in less than a week, Even the few stars who had been on the network for over a decade were dropped.

In Record’s extensive list of layoffs are the names of Beth Goulart, Giuseppe Oristânio and Adriana Garamboneall had fixed 10year contracts, which consequently inflated their salaries even more.

The trio took part in the golden years of dramaturgy at Edir Macedo’s station, which featured great productions such as “Flames of Life”, “Lives in Game” and later with biblical plots like “The Ten Commandments” and “Genesis”.

Along with Beth Goulart and Giuseppe Oristânio, other renowned actors such as Camila Rodrigues, Fernando Pavao and Emilio Orciollo Netto Their contracts will not be renewed either.

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Giuseppe Oristânio, Adriana Garambone, Camila Rodrigues and Emílio Orcillo Neto were fired from Record last weekGiuseppe Oristânio, Adriana Garambone, Camila Rodrigues and Emílio Orcillo Neto were fired from Record last week Photo: Montage/Foco TV

Before the drastic cut Ze Carlos Machado, which was one of the highlights of Genesis, had also already disembarked to sign with Globo. The veteran will shoot the soap opera “Vai na Fé” at the competing station, the next action at seven o’clock.

Despite the end of fixed contracts, all of the above names can reappear on Record’s small screen simply by accepting a contract for a predefined work.


In addition to dying out its permanent cast, the audience leader will also slash the costs of its biblical soap operas, which represent one of the biggest expenses in the entire network’s budget.

According to Notícias da TV, despite the changes imperceptible to viewers, Record will experience great financial relief. From 2023, the São Paulo broadcaster will pay a fixed price for the chapters, if the budget exceeds the limit, the loss will be borne by the religious institution.

Despite the release of Record’s budget, there are fears the new practice could deter advertisers who don’t want a relationship with Universal Church.

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