Fans of Mexican rapper Neto Reyno mourned his death and took to the musician’s social media to leave comments expressing their condolences; Many have said they take comfort in knowing his legacy will continue to be present through his music.
“Thank you for leaving your mark”, “Never giving up is the mission”, “Tell me it’s not true”, “A very important exponent of Mexican rap, rest in peace, you were and are a very successful one Rapper, you will live forever with your music,” are some of his followers’ comments.
On his Instagram account, Reyno has more than 738,000 followers while his YouTube channel has 875,000 subscribers; The last video uploaded on this platform was four days ago with the topic “You don’t have my Styla” which has had more than 26,273 views so far.
“rest in peace friend see you on the other side thanks for your support”, “rest in peace my badass your songs helped me get out of the hole i was in you will always live on in our hearts thank you I haven’t given up”, are other public opinions.
So far, the reasons for his death have not been revealed, but in his stories, a relative announced the news of the death of this independent artist.
On Instagram he had 3,503 posts where he shared pieces of his music, selfies of his daily life as well as announcements of his musical presentations.
“You never gave up on Neto, thank you for your music here, we will continue to listen to you. Rest in peace”, “You just died in this world, my brother, you will live on in the hearts of many, have a good carnal journey,” emphasized their fans.