Eva Kaili is innocent goodbye beloved Sinisa and Infantino so

"Cheated on by partner". The revelation about the Qatargate money

In the coming weeks, the Qatargate could reserve new surprises. Meanwhile tomorrow Eva Kaili he will have to come before the judges who will have to decide his fate. The former Vice-President of the European Parliament has apparently asked for a delayed hearing on the other actors in the scandal involving the top European institutions and had a long conversation with his lawyer, especially with regard to tomorrow. which promises to be crucial for his future. Eva Kaili’s circumstances are not the best: of the three people who appeared before the judge last week, only one was released with an electronic bracelet and it is Niccolò Figà-Talamanca, Secretary General of the NGO No Peace Without Justice. The other two, Francesco Giorgi and Antonio Panzeri, remained in prison.

“I am neither a pessimist nor an optimist,” said Mihalis Dimitrakopoulos, Eva Kaili’s lawyer, who flew to Brussels today at her specific request to meet the MEP. The Greek lawyer said Kaili was “strong” and had only seen his father since his incarceration. Dimitrakopoulos went to the Palace of Justice in the afternoon to see the prosecutor’s files ahead of tomorrow’s hearing. However, the lawyer added that the reconstructions of his alleged confessions that surfaced yesterday “are not true”. Dimitrakopoulos then wanted to emphasize: “I can only say that it is Eva Kaili innocent“.

However, the lawyer seems to believe that tomorrow’s hearing will have a positive outcome and says confidently: “We have very strong legal arguments for her release. I can say I’m optimistic.” According to the lawyer, in fact, all the blame would fall on her boyfriend Francesco Giorgi because Eva Kaili “he trusted‘ by comrade Francesco Giorgi and ‘he has it betray“. These are the words of Mihalis Dimitrakopoulos, who concluded: “I think Ms Kaili is not a fugitive suspect, because this will be investigated tomorrow, nor does she have the ability to falsify the evidence. So, legally, I can say I’m optimistic.” In fact, tomorrow, Kaili’s innocence or guilt will not be debated, the lawyer stressed, only “whether she should be released or not.”

The lawyer will also urge the presence outside of prison of Eva Kaili and Francesco Giorgi’s daughter, who is with her maternal grandfather during these days of the couple’s detention. “A person who has lost his freedom is dissatisfied and if there is a two-year-old girl waiting for her who is orphaned because her parents are in prison, even more so,” said the lawyer.