Shakira gets the best year end news

Shakira gets the best year end news

as own Shakira has said in a recent video at the end of the year that this year 2022 has been one of the most challenging and complex situations. But also growth and lessons learned.

On the verge of graduation, the artist has just been involved in a very important moment for her and has been instrumental in what relates to an issue that has her in the spotlight.

From Spain, more precisely from the newspaper El Periódico, for which the Mamarazzis work, Laura Fa Y Lorraine VazquezThey shared the reason that Shakira would have an ear to ear smile.

A subject that could trouble your life and give you light and hope.

And that’s exactly what the former Spanish motorcycle champion is this week website pons, who is charged in a similar case to the Colombian over financial and tax matters, has just been acquitted by the court. A fact that sets a precedent and could be beneficial for Shakira.

Not only that. To this situation we must add another fundamental fact. The lawyer who secured the acquittal of the athlete accused of six tax offenses is Paul Molinthe same that takes the case to the interpreter of “Monotonía”.

Very positive news for the artist who was charged 14.5 million euros by the Spanish tax authorities between 2012 and 2014. With this step forward, Shakira has a lot more in her favor than she did months ago. Breaking news that has a lot of positives.

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