Charlbi Dean at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. (Photo by Laurent KOFFEL/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)
South African actress Charlbi Dean died last Monday after experiencing mild symptoms of illness which rushed her to the emergency department of a New York City hospital.
The city’s coroner confirmed that the young protagonist of the Triangle of Sadness tape died of an unexpected and sudden illness. He was 32 years old.
Dean would have developed bacterial sepsis due to the absence of his spleen, which was removed years ago due to an accident.
“[La sepsis] It was a complication arising from asplenia (absence of the spleen),” a coroner’s spokesman told People.[Debido a] encapsulated trauma to the upper body”.
Charlbi Dean in Cannes. (Photo by John Phillips/amfAR/Getty Images for amfAR)
Apparently, Dean was infected with the bacterium known as capnocytophage. This type of bacteria is not common, and there are several types that thrive in the mouths of humans, as well as dogs and cats, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
People with a weakened immune system and those who no longer have a spleen are particularly susceptible to infection. It is not known if a pet could have caused the actress to become infected.
According to his brother Alex Jacobthe young woman began to complain of a slight headache, which quickly got worse, so she asked her fiancé Luke Volkerto take her to the hospital. He died there a few hours later, as reported by Rolling Stone.
“It literally happened in one day. She got a headache, fell asleep, woke up her boyfriend and said please take me to the hospital,” Jacobs told the magazine. “We don’t know for sure yet [que sucedió]”.
Charlbi Dean in Cannes. (Photo by Lionel Hahn/Getty Images)
Jacobs revealed her sister was in a spectacular car accident about 13 years ago, resulting in a broken back and multiple ribs, and had her spleen removed on doctor’s recommendation.
Investigators classified his death as an accident.
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