From the citizenship income ‘diet’ to the tax wedge cut, the pension package and the superbonus, to chasing wild boar and pensioners commuting to the nearby Côte d’Azur. These are the main measures of the Meloni government’s maneuver, which is expected tomorrow at the finish line in the Chamber. The provision will then be submitted to the Senate for final approval by December 30. These are the most important measures.
EMPLOYMENT: DRC, CUNEO, CONTRIBUTIONS AND SMARTWORKING. The maneuver stipulates that he loses the benefit of the citizen’s income if the first job offer is rejected, even if it is not considered “fair”. With the change, on the other hand, the first proposal can be in any place of the national territory or incompatible with one’s abilities, but if it is not accepted, it will lead to the end of the perception of citizen income. Another novelty at the Rdc is that from January 1, 2023, the granting of basic income to young people between the ages of 18 and 29 will be made dependent on the completion of the compulsory school process.
The budget law confirms the 2 percent reduction in contributions for incomes up to 35,000 euros and expands the scope for reducing the tax burden to 3 percent and extends it from the previous 20,000 to incomes of up to 25,000 euros. In addition, the work package also includes raising the contribution-free limit from 6,000 to 8,000 euros for young people, Rdc recipients and frail women.
There is also news on the subject of smartworking: until March 31, 2023, the smartworking regime for fragile workers will also be extended, both in the public and private sectors. Parents of children under the age of 14 are exempt.
PENSIONS, THE NEWS ON MINIMUM PAYMENT, UPGRADING AND THE WOMAN’S OPTION. Increase in minimum pensions to 600 euros in 2023 for those over 75. The automatic revaluation will instead be reviewed for two years, increasing from 80 to 85% for pensions between 4 and 5 times the minimum amount, while for higher pensions a reduction in the Pension is made percent of bracket. Specifically, the indexation ranges from 55 to 53% for pensions between 5 and 6 times the minimum amount, from 50 to 47% for 6 to 8 times the minimum amount, from 40 to 37% for 8 to 10 fold, from 35 to 32% for pension checks exceeding 10 times the minimum. Women’s option: Employees can therefore only take early retirement at the age of 60 if they are caring relatives, are at least 74% unable to work or have become unemployed, or are employees of companies with an open crisis table.
HOME: THE NEWS ABOUT SUPERBONUS, VAT AND MORTGAGE. The deadline for submitting the Cilas and claiming the 110% super bonus on building renovations has been extended to December 31st. The maneuver also introduces a deduction from the gross tax for Irpef purposes of 50% of the amount paid for the payment of VAT in relation to the purchase of residential property units of energy class A or B until December 31, 2023 on the mortgage side it is possible to renegotiate the mortgage, switching from a variable to a fixed rate for those up to 200,000 euros with an Isee of no more than 35,000 euros and without payment delays.
FAMILY. Parental leave increases from 30 to 80% and is also taken up by fathers. Increase in family allowance for households with four or more children.
POS, MINI FOLDERS AND BONUSES. Penalties remain for merchants who do not accept payments with the POS for purchases under 60 euros. In fact, the paragraph of Article 69 that provided for the cessation of fines has been deleted. On the fine and tax front, there is no longer an automatic cancellation for tax invoices from 2000 to 2015 of less than 1,000 euros: only the interest is canceled, but the decision whether to cancel the tax and fines is up to the local authorities and would depend on it come into force on March 31, 2023. For 18-year-olds, the new culture bonus comes to up to 1,000 euros, as a sum of 500 euros for people with a family ISEE of up to 35,000 euros and the other 500 euros with a final grade of 100 out of 100. The psychologist bonus will be permanent and increasing from 600 to 1,500 euros, with an Isee upper limit of 50,000 euros
LOVE ENERGY. A large part of the maneuver (21 billion) goes to measures to mitigate the high bill. The funds flow in particular into the reduction of unreasonable switching costs, into the social bonus on switching (at Isee 15,000 euros) and into the refinancing of the tax credit for companies. In addition, the VAT rate for consumption bills for district heating services increased from 22% to 5% in the first quarter of 2023 and for pellets from 22% to 10% for the whole of 2023.
The Excess Profits Tax is levied only on companies whose revenues derive 75% from activities in the production and resale sectors of energy, gas and oil products. The contribution is due if at least 75% of the income of the tax period prior to the tax period current on 1 January 2023 derives from the specified activities.
DIFFERENT AND POSSIBLE, FROM WILD BOAR TO MONTECARLO. It is maneuvered on an ordinance that allows the hunting of wild boar in urban parks; Then there are 2 million refreshments for buffalo farmers affected by brucellosis and tuberculosis, 8 million for fisheries and aquaculture and 2 million for vineyards affected by Flavescence Dorée. Taxes for Italian pensioners who have worked in the Principality of Monaco have fallen: the income and pension tax rate has increased from 23% to 5%. Then 1 million goes to the Digital Literacy Fund for minors, as does the Wildlife Recovery Fund.