Elections in France Le Pen I want the EU of

Elections in France, Le Pen: «I want the EU of nations. Putin does not need a moral lesson »

by Alexandra Turcat, Patrice Moyon, Yves-Marie Robin and Stéphane Vernay

“What struck me was Macron’s arrogance. A form of nonchalance and contempt towards me that she also expresses towards the French ». “I’m going to charge 5% VAT on petrol: It’s not illegal”

After the televised debate with Emmanuel Macron and before the end of the campaign for today’s vote, challenger Marine Le Pen gave a final interview to the French newspaper Ouest France.

How do you take stock of the debate on Wednesday?

“What impressed me was the arrogance of Emmanuel Macron. A form of nonchalance and contempt towards me that has also been expressed towards the French for five years ».

Aren’t you afraid of a clash with European partners if you cut France’s contribution to the EU budget by five billion?

“Our net contribution has increased by 50% in five years, even though we have full responsibility for the operation in the Sahel, which aims to ensure the security of not only France. So far we have not received a discount because we did not ask for it ».

The EU internal market commissioner (French Thierry Breton, ed.) says that this is against the current rules of the Union.

“The National Assembly decides on the contribution. It will be an opportunity to explain to the European Union that we are in debt ».

The reduction in VAT from 20% to 5% on petrol or gas is also incompatible with EU regulations. How can do it?

“I’m sorry but it’s not illegal and we will do it. In any case, it cannot be said that it is illegal until we ask about it. This debate needs to be had. And we’re not the only country involved. I will put my program into practice and then talk about it with the European Commission ».

If you become president, will France continue to send arms to Russia-invaded Ukraine?

“We will continue to send defense weapons to Ukraine, yes. Defensively, so as not to cross the line that would make France a co-belligerent, that is, which would make the country go to war with Russia. We need to find that right boundary. I think it’s a concern that Macron shares.”

Do you always think that France, as suggested in the program, should work for a rapprochement between NATO and Russia?

“As long as there is still a Russian soldier in Ukraine, as long as we do not have the results of the investigations into war crimes, as long as there is no peace treaty signed by both countries, it is clear that cooperation is no longer possible with Russia. But that does not mean that I agree with all the sanctions that France is asking for today. Because if we cut oil and gas, the French and French companies will be the first victims. Too high a price for a result that I consider uncertain in terms of the financial consequences for Russia ».

“When the conflict is over, I said that France, as a balancing power, should take care to bring NATO closer to Russia. Because the greatest danger that weighs on us is the association between Russia and China. They are already beginning to create an independent monetary system. And that can cause disaster. Not to mention military and economic alliances… What does Macron do every day, and is he right? Argue with Vladimir Putin. It is the very principle of diplomacy: attempting to conduct a dialogue with two parties at war in order to approximate their positions and achieve peace. It is precisely the role that France has always played throughout its history and that is why I support it if Emmanuel Macron fulfills this task.”

In 2017 you declared: “The main policies that I defend are those defended today by Trump and Putin”. Do you regret today?

“I don’t feel close to one or the other in the way of governing. I had responded to their vision of a multipolar world. The world built around two great powers no longer exists. Precisely on this subject, I had a shared vision with them, and in any case independently of them ».

One has attempted a coup in his country, the other is invading a sovereign country…

“There are so many people in the world doing terrible things. The leader of Saudi Arabia has done terrible things in Yemen, but we have very good relations with him. You have to get out of moral considerations because otherwise you wouldn’t be talking to anyone. You will have noticed that two thirds of the planet stayed out of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict… ».

“Enough of these moral lessons! Morality in international law does not exist. Yes, I think it is moral not to want to starve. If you tell me: Do you think it is right that African countries, which depend on at least neutral relations with Russia for food, try to protect their people from starvation? My answer is yes, I would never dare judge her.”

In this international context, do you think it is time to weaken the European Union by gradually dissolving it?

“It’s not about dismantling the European Union, it’s about realigning it. The European structure was born as a Europe of nations, but it is becoming more and more a federal Europe: I want there to be an ebb and a return to a Europe of nations. War does not prevent this debate at all”.

April 23, 2022 (Change April 23, 2022 | 22:58)