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Higher taxes for Russians who emigrated abroad

Russians who fled abroad after the war against Ukraine had to pay higher taxes. The Moscow Duma, the Russian parliament, is preparing a corresponding law, announced today the speaker of the Lower House, Vyacheslav Volodin, on the short message service Telegram. Dozens of Russians have fled their homes since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24.

Many fled to Georgia, among other places, when the mobilization of up to 300,000 reservists was ordered in September. “It is correct to cancel benefits for those who left the Russian Federation and introduce an increase in the tax rate for them,” Volodin wrote in Telegram. “We are working on appropriate changes to the law.”

“Betray your country, relatives and friends”

It is unclear how many people would be affected. According to local media reports, up to 700,000 people left Russia because of the mobilization in early October. The government contradicts these numbers.

“Those who realized that they made a mistake have already returned,” said Duma Chairman Volodin. “The rest must understand: the vast majority of society does not support their actions and believes that they have betrayed their country, their relatives and friends.”

In Russia, the 13% personal income tax is automatically deducted by domestic employers. If you work abroad and are a tax resident in Russia, you must pay the tax yourself.