Spain Stunning bus crash into flooded river leaves 2 dead

Spain: Stunning bus crash into flooded river leaves 2 dead and 3 missing

A bus fell into a river in the Spanish region of Galicia on Saturday night. The preliminary figure shows at least two dead and three missing.

At least two people were killed on Saturday night after a bus crash crashed into a river from a bridge in Galicia, northwest Spain, local authorities said. The circumstances are not yet known.

The bus transported families who had come to visit their loved ones in Monterroso prison. For unknown reasons, the bus crashed into the Lérez River at 9:20 p.m. on Saturday evening. The accident happened in Cerdedo-Cotobade, near Vigo, near the border with Portugal.

#AXEGA inform of a serious accident in #CerdedoCotobade.
A saíuse bus da via e caeu por unha ponte.
De momento, foron rescatadas tres persoas: o driver and 2 pasaxeiros, dos cales un está falecido (1/3)

— 112Galicia (@112Galicia) December 25, 2022

At least three people are missing, reports La Voz de Galicia.

The victims are two passengers. Two other people, the bus driver and a passenger, were rescued and taken to a clinic in Santiago de Compostela.

The heavy rains of the past few days in Galicia have made the work of the rescuers more difficult. The search continued Sunday morning.