Intimate confidences between Nicole Murgia and Daniele Dal Moro Big

Intimate confidences between Nicole Murgia and Daniele Dal Moro Big Brother VIP | GFVIP 7 Big Brother

Christmas night is magical, which is why even introverted VIPs like it Daniel they open up to intimacy. The boy actually pulled away with me Nicole in the garden and talk for a long time.

After hearing the boy’s story, Nicole takes courage and questions him about his relationship with him Oriana. For her there is a clear interest from the VIP who takes the opportunity to retrace the history he had with the model.

They immediately approached him, as some of the woman’s qualities fascinated him. But then she saw that he was also provoking Antonino, so Daniele asked her not to throw him in the middle to avoid ending up in the triangle, a wish that was not fulfilled.

Now he’s upped the ante, although his thinking hasn’t changed. He’s not after her, but he can’t trust her. He likes clean, unfiltered people, not people who don’t make themselves understood. It’s okay to be cryptic, but he doesn’t take teasing.

“I have very little faith in Oriana,” admits Daniele, who cannot say that he knows the model well.

Nicole has a very precise idea: Daniele has taken a liking to Oriana, as far as she could see.

“I respond to what she does to me,” the boy specifies, emphasizing that it’s always the Venezuelan who’s looking for him. There is nothing between them because he doesn’t allow her to go any further. He has softened lately because Oriana has been kind and loving but still doesn’t trust him.

Nicole, somewhat embarrassed, admits that she was fascinated by Daniele’s character but doesn’t want to get acquainted.
“I don’t want to get into a situation where I’m annoying,” says the actress.

Daniele also thinks that Nicole is a very good person and has opened up to her a lot. He has different sides of character that he appreciates and can easily confide in.

He cannot predict what will happen next, but he is certain that nothing will ever happen to Oriana: she doesn’t inspire him and they don’t know each other enough.

The conversation is interrupted by some friends who join them and sit down next to them.

Spontaneously the question arises: will there be a feeling between the two Vipponi or will Oriana prevail?