The emotion of meeting Pope Francis for three thousand people from Treviso Photos and Videos Chronicle, Treviglio L’Eco di Bergamo

Chronicle / Level Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Pilgrimage The meeting with the Pope in the Paul VI Hall. at the Vatican in the morning for the 500th anniversary of the miracle of Our Lady of Tears.

Fabio Conti

«Thank you for coming in such large numbers! Many! Who might stay at home…? Madonna!”. Joked Pope Francis, meeting in advance of a dozen minutes three thousand people from Treviso gathered on Saturday April 23, just before noon, in the Paul VI Hall. made a pilgrimage to the Vatican for the 500th anniversary of the miracle of Our Lady of Tears. An exciting meeting, a private audience awaited by the performances of the choir and the Treviglio Band: most of the Trevigliese departed at dawn on four special Frecciarossa trains that will return to Treviglio in the evening.

The Pope's Trevigliesi

The Pope’s Trevigliesi

(Photo by Enrico Appiani)

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1650763219 696 The emotion of meeting Pope Francis for three thousand people

Upon the Holy Father’s arrival, the Nervi Hall exploded in a tremendous warm embrace of voices. The parish priest of the Pastoral Community of Madonna delle lacrime di Treviglio and Castel Rozzone, Monsignor Norberto Donghi, greeted the Pope: “Thank you for being so close to our territory around Bergamo during the most difficult months of the pandemic: we are from Bergamo, but from the Diocese of Milan and We bring you the cordial greetings of our Archbishop Mario ».

Pope Francis, who had to miss meetings yesterday because of knee problems, wanted to be there today. “Your community bears the name of Our Lady of Tears – said the Holy Father – and in it lies a whole pastoral care of tenderness, compassion and closeness in the style of God.”.

Travel to Rome

Travel to Rome

(Photo by Fabio Conti)

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1650763220 146 The emotion of meeting Pope Francis for three thousand people

And he added: “We must be moved by the wounds of those we meet along the way, knowing how to weep with those who weep, and knowing joy with those who rejoice.” In his 11-minute speech, he reiterated the importance of crying without shame.

Pope Francis also spoke on the subject of the war in Ukraine: a conflict “that destroys everyone, the victorious people as well as the vanquished and even those who look at it”.

Pope Francis also spoke on the subject of the war in Ukraine: a conflict “that destroys everyone, the victorious people as well as the vanquished and even those who look at it”. All the municipal authorities were present, from Mayor Juri Imeri to Rural Bank President Giovanni Grazioli, associations, speakers and groups. There were also many young people who chanted “Long live Pope Francis!” again and again.

A summary of the pilgrimage, in the words of Giovanni Grazioli, President of the Cassa Rurale BCC di Treviglio, that he made on the train that brought people home from Bergamo.

Giovanni Grazioli President of the Cassa Rurale Bcc di Treviglio. Video by Fabio Conti