Babylights Lily Collins reveals the lights for brown hair that

Babylights: Lily Collins reveals the lights for brown hair that will be trending in 2023 Panorama

LiliCollins She is one of our favorite thirty-year-olds and we are of course on the lookout for her new look suggestions, which of course are in fashion at the latest. And if, like us, you don’t just want to start the new year with the trendy outfit, but with the complete look, you can’t avoid looking at the fabulous Babylights for brown hair with which the famous will set trends in 2023.

The Emily in Paris star has one of the most glamorous and daring looks of the moment. And her taste for different textures and explosions of color contrasts with the delicacy of the lights in her hair, thus achieving the fusion we love about her, between glamor and avant-garde.

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If you thought babylights were only for blonde hair, Lily Collins shows you you made a big mistake and you can make yours too Brown hair have these subtle reflections of light that look completely natural.

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Lily Collins sets the trend at Emily in Paris | IG: @lilyjcollins

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How do I order babylights like Lily Collins?

If you have beautiful brown hair but are interested in giving it even more light while illuminating your face and making it look a lot more radiant, all you have to do is ask mini wicks or babylights on your auburn tone.

The goal of these highlights is to give your hair that natural glow it gives off when you’re walking in the sun. A toned down version of highlights, they are meant to brighten the look of your hair while adding depth and texture.

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Lily Collins wears the rejuvenating Babylights for brown hair | IG: @lilyjcollins

What the stylist does in your hair is a sort of mini-wick, woven very thinly while leaving small spaces between the leaves; This can create a more natural and subtle blend with the base color.

Babylights are very popular on blonde hair, but they’re also perfect on brown hair, so brunettes aren’t far behind in this trend, which will shine between the long hair of celebrities like Lily Collins from the early hours of 2023. They like this one Trend to renew your look?