Ukraine Pope Francis quotGod enlighten those who can silence guns

Ukraine, Pope Francis: "God enlighten those who can silence guns, senseless warfare"

Our time is witnessing a serious lack of peace

There is not only war in Ukraine because “our time is also witnessing a serious lack of peace in other regions, in other theaters of this Third World War,” Bergoglio added, citing Syria “which is still tormented by a conflict in it’s transitioned to the background, but it’s not finished yet.” Then Lebanon, “so that it can finally recover, with the support of the international community”. The Sahel region, Yemen and “the political and social tensions” on the American continent are also concerned, “I am thinking in particular of the long-suffering Haitian population”.

Appeal against food waste and arms race – The Pope then appealed for an end to food waste and the arms race: “On this day when it is nice to gather around the set table, let’s not take our eyes off Bethlehem, which means ‘House of Bread’. and think of people who are suffering from hunger, especially children, while every day large amounts of food are wasted and resources are spent on weapons,” he said. especially in Afghanistan and in the countries of the Horn of Africa,” added the Pope.

Refugees and marginalized – “Let us not forget today the many refugees and displaced persons knocking on our doors in search of comfort, warmth and food. Let’s not forget the marginalized, the lonely, the orphans and the elderly at risk of being thrown away, the prisoners that we seek only for their faults and not as human beings,” added the Pope.