1672003421 Bad figure in the offspring Here are the emojis for

Bad figure in the offspring? Here are the emojis for the coup Player.it ​​​​Player.it

L’Internet Evolution has inspired many to create categories of people who have several aspects in common. The age factor It is one of the most important when it comes to the internet way of life. but certain termsborn as a definition of a certain typology of people united by age have now transcended and became beyond this simple barrier ironic synonyms and sometimes pejorative to more common terms.

The term boomers for example, it was born to identify itself those born during the so-called “baby boom”., or the period of economic and demographic boom after the Second World War. indicative between [1945and1965[1945und1965. Although the original meaning is this, the term “boomer” is now synonymous with anachronistic.

From the term “Boomer” was also born one of the catchphrases or memes that has been the most widespread on the internet in recent years, capable of infuriating even the calmest social commentator: “Okay Boomers.” This lexical formula is usually addressed to a person who, according to his interlocutor, is used to it anachronistic and summary theses and speeches.

Very often these definitions involve more harshness than you think, sometimes they lead to a funny exchange of ideas that will allow you to end it all with a laugh. But right then What separates a boomer from a non-boomer other than age?

“These Boomers” – how to find out your generation

representation of the so-called "boomers"me and the boys

The boomers or baby boomers, However, they are not the only target group what has been discussed in recent years. In fact, each person can be categorized into a specific personal goal and just like the definition of “boomer”, the age factor is not the only one to identify a person’s behavior.

  • The Boomers: As already mentioned, they were born between 1945 and 1965 and are between 58 and 78 years old. Beyond personal meaning, the term “boomer” is now synonymous with anachronism and obsolescence, and the phrase “ok boomer” is used to poke fun at those who express such concepts.
  • Generation X: also known as the “MTV Generation”, represents those born between 1965 and 1979, aged between 44 and 58. These are people who lived through the Cold War era and the fear of confronting the Boomers, who are viewed with a certain envy for the good fortune of the Boom they experienced.
  • generation y: Also known as “Millennials” are those born between 1980 and 1994 who are between 29 and 44 years old. This is the generation that experienced the advent of the internet, social networks and instant information more consciously.
  • Generation Z: Also known as “post-millennials” are those born between 1995 and 2019 who are between 8 and 28 years old. They are the children of the Internet generation and for this reason also show a strong connection to technology, especially to mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets.

Boomer Emoji

Screenshots of various emojisWhich ones to use?

In the UK, the research company perspective goals conducted a survey. The results will help many of those who, despite their age, still feel very young inside. The research, conducted on 2,000 children under the age of 30, helped uncover which symbols are now considered outdated, anachronistic… in short, by boomers.

A ranking shows the results of the 10 emojis not to use if you don’t want to look old in the eyes of the new generations:

  • thumbs up: First and foremost we find the “thumbs up” which is often used in an assertive manner or to end a conversation. According to the survey, 24% of the testers tagged it as an emoji used by older people
  • red heart: In second place, with 22% of the votes, we find the simple but significant “red heart” used to express affection or love.
  • Ok by hand: Immediately after that we find “ok with the hand” at 20%, used as a thumbs up, determined or at the end of a discussion, perhaps with a bit of peevishness.
  • Test: Fourth place with 17% for the “tick”, which is used as a substitute for the thumb and the ok with the hand
  • Smiling poop: equal merit with the tick come beautiful “smiling feces”. A heap of excrement with lively and smiling eyes, but which, according to the youngest, will make you lose a lot of points.
  • crying face: 16% find the “crying face” used to express sadness.
  • Little monkey covering his eyes: At 15% we find the cute little monkey covering his eyes which, cute as it may be, is now considered out of style.
  • applause: Hands that clap are placed at 10%. If you want to give a compliment, try something different.
  • kiss shape: always at 10% the kiss mold spicy emoji.
  • Smiley shows teeth: closes this ranking with 9% of the votes, the smiley showing all teeth. A big smile that you must avoid if you want to impress the new generations.