Conflict in Ukraine Depletes NATO Armaments

Conflict in Ukraine Depletes NATO Armaments

The Washington Post in an article notes that the level of production in both the United States and Europe cannot keep up with the consumption of artillery shells in Kyiv.

  • The conflict in Ukraine is depleting NATO's arms reserves
    The conflict in Ukraine is depleting NATO’s arms reserves

Fighting in Ukraine reveals the “Mistakes in strategic planning‘ from the US, while revealing ‘significant gaps’ in Washington’s and NATO’s military-industrial base, the Washington Post reflected in a material on Western wartime aid to Kyiv.

In the article, the American medium assures that the stock of weapons and ammunition in large quantities is running out and Kyiv has to wait months and even years to get a new production.

In that line, the newspaper points out that only $6 billion of the more than $20 billion in military aid the White House has offered has gone toward weapons manufacturing. The rest of the supplies that Kyiv receives belong to the Pentagon’s reserves.

According to estimates by US defense officials, the Ukrainian forces fire 14,000 ammunition in two days the US military-industrial complex can do that Manufacture in a month.

To reverse this situation, efforts are being made to increase weapons production. In particular, Germany will allocate funds for renew u Expand a Soviet-era plant in Romania and produce both NATO-standard projectiles and those compatible with the Soviet weapon systems used by Ukraine.

For its part, Moscow says that the delivery of advanced weapons and long-range weapons is possible lead to a direct conflict between Russia and NATOwhile accusing the West of trying to prolong the conflict.