According to controversy for the position of M5s President Giuseppe Conte before the second round of the French elections with part of the Pd who denied the decision not to provide voting instructions between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen and the Pentastellato leader’s response of wanting to “speculate and misunderstand” his words at the Article One Congress being held in Rome, the Secretary dem Enrico Letta and the foreign minister Luigi di Maio Taking sides with the outgoing president. “Ambiguous count? You need a political clarification? I think tomorrow’s elections are a Referendum on the EU, on the one hand there are those who want to destroy it and those who listened to Putin, that is Le Pen, on the other hand there are those who want a stronger Europe and defend the people of Ukraine. We hope Macron wins,” Letta interrupted.
Similar words also from the other prominent M5 exponent, Luigi Di Maio, without mentioning Conte’s position: “That’s clear if we want a strong European Unionwhich can, for example, set maximum limits for the gas price, we need more Europeanism. Sovereignty closes states, tends to destroy the EU and NATO. we we need pro-European forces that strengthen the EU”.
Instead, it was the attacker Carlo CalendaHer Action Manager: “If I hadn’t taken a stand, the Democratic Party would have stoned me. But she they act like nothing happened, because for them the 5 stars are indispensable. But Pd and Article One are wrong to remain allies given this equidistance.”
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Regeni, Di Maio minimized: “More gas from Egypt? It is an agreement between companies, including Eni”. Fratoianni: “Hypocrisy, we are not credible”