1650780833 The doll and the nerdy Francesco Chiofalo destroyed by Drusilla

The doll and the nerdy. Francesco Chiofalo destroyed by Drusilla Gucci is gone forever: "After everyday magazine

Francesco Chiofaloduring the last episode of La Pupa and the Nerdy Show, he received a suggestion from Malena that infuriated her Girlfriend, Drusilla Gucci. Malena took the opportunity to seduce the young man, saying: “I saw that you don’t take your eyes off me. So I had an idea: I would like to spend a night with you at the villa…”.

Malena then added: “If you agree, I will run to your villa and we will spend a night together. We will definitely have a lot of fun.” The answer he gave Francesco Chiofalo angered Drusilla, who posted some stories to express her thoughts on what happened. “I am deeply disgusted and disgusted by what I have seen…” thundered Gucci, continuing, “Both as a woman knowing the man is engaged and doing what he did and by his behavior.” We had said certain things. I…boh, I’m really disgusted…”

“I can’t think of another word, so that’s enough! As for me, we’re on a break, I’m consistent. ‘ Drusilla concluded. What were the words spoken by Francesco Chiofalothat hurt your girlfriend’s sensibilities? When he answered: “Lenticchio”, to Malena’s advances?

Francesco Chiofalo in the storm: Drusilla asks for a break

Francesco Chiofalo He is still unaware that his fiancee Drusilla Gucci wants to take a break from their relationship, he said in the afternoon 5. “I took it badly, but how can you not take it? This is just a scandalous thing. I would love to see another woman do what she would do. I think I’m right and it irritated me. I’m jealous and no suggestions are made to busy men…” Gucci said like a river to flood, underscoring what the response was Francis to Malena’s suggestion.

“And indeed he died for me. He said: “Unfortunately I’m engaged”. When he comes out he’ll see, I’ll talk to him. What if I decided to drop him? I need to talk to him.” Drusilla didn’t specifically say she wanted to end the relationship Chiofalo, even if she distanced herself from her boyfriend out of anger. Gucci also spoke about Malena, saying: “Malena is a dead cat anyway, she is what she is. I paused it and will find out soon. I want to distance myself from this painful discourse from which I distance myself. He will now pay the deposit. And the same goes for her, Malena and he made a ridiculous little fuss. But I’m not going to tail a fiancé, sorry. “.

Francesco Chiofalo Drusilla ready to leave it

Drusilla has announced that she will be going to La Pupa and the Nerdy Show to talk to her Francesco Chiofalo, hoping to clarify the situation. The young woman emphasizes: “And I have no prejudices against Malena’s work, but she tried Francis who is busy. I’m like, I don’t like these things here. I don’t care what Malena does at work, I just disagree that she’s trying to do it with a boyfriend. And let it be clear that I’m taking it out on both of you, not just her. I love coming to La Pupa and the Nerdy Show to talk to him. The subject leaves fans holding their breath, waiting to find out how things will end between the two friends, but more importantly how it will justify itself. Francesco Chiofalo.

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