War in Ukraine: Kyiv must accept Russian terms or ‘the army will decide’, according to Sergey Lavrov Le Journal du dimanche

The war between Russia and Ukraine has been raging for more than ten months. And the peace process does not appear to be operational yet, with each camp expecting the other to accept its terms. Moscow is sticking to its positions and wants to impose them on Ukraine. Russia’s proposals to “demilitarize” and “denazify” Ukraine are known to Kyiv and it is up to the Ukrainian authorities to respond, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday (December 26). ” [Nos conditions] are simple: fill them out or the Russian military will take care of the matter,” he concluded.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is closed to negotiations. “You can’t negotiate with a personality that has kept you busy, I don’t have any confidence in that. We negotiated with Hitler in vain, but whole nations suffered,” he explained on December 16 for LCI. In order to be able to negotiate with Russia, Ukraine must also experience significant changes.

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face lawsuits

Ukraine has therefore set its own conditions for peace. Ukraine’s foreign minister has revived his idea of ​​organizing a peace summit at the end of February 2023, when the war enters its second year. In order for the Russian invader to have a voice in such a case, he must first agree to face war crimes charges before an international tribunal. “You will only be invited to participate under this condition,” stressed Dmytro Kuleba.

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Ukrainian drone shot down

An even more distant peace given the clashes. On that day, December 26, Moscow also accused Ukraine of attacking its territory by firing a drone at an airbase. According to Russian news agencies, a Ukrainian drone was shot down while approaching the Engels base in the Saratov region, some 600 km from Ukraine. “As a result of the crash of debris from the drone, three Russian technicians who were at the airfield were fatally injured,” the TASS agency said, citing the Ministry of Defense. A report confirmed by regional governor Roman Boussarguine on his Telegram account.