LDA eliminated from Amici Nunzio Rebellion Marias background at Gigi

LDA eliminated from Amici: Nunzio Rebellion, Maria’s background at Gigi D’Alessio

LDA retired from Amici 2022, surprised. The advances had indicated that Luca was in the match with Nunzio, but they had also added that it would be the dancer who would be leaving the school. Nothing could be more wrong: Although Nunzio was ready to go, and he said so, the last to be eliminated is LDA. It’s not the first time the advances have gone awry since the elimination was announced Maria DeFilippi in the house, for this reason it is always good to remember that these are indiscretions to be taken with pliers. This episode was the confirmation as they screwed up: LDA was eliminated, not Nunzio.

However, as soon as Maria mentioned Luca’s name, Nunzio began to rebel and despair. In fact, since they returned to the house, he had done nothing but say he was ready to leave the program because he had already given it his all. Instead, the jury preferred him to LDA on stage. The latter, in turn, was aware that he no longer had the fire in his eyes that would allow him to continue. In fact, he had already resigned after the vote was completed.

“No no no Maria, Luca is not allowed to go out. I don’t deserve to be here, you have to be here. But why do you have to go outside?” Nunzio started screaming as he walked around the house. LDA tried to calm him down, but there was no way. The two were also very close, and Luca deserved more for Nunzio to continue on the path he had taken friends 21. Luca contradicted: “You make me talk, stop it. I’m not there with my head anymore, you are there. We’re all strong in here.” In desperation, Nunzio turned to Maria to ask her because LDA had to get out and not him. As always, the presenter was motherly and understanding, finding the right words to stop him:

“The jury voted that way. Nunzio, excuse me if I allow myself. I understand the attitude with which you do this, but you have to be respectful towards Luca. I know it’s disrespectful and you don’t think it’s fair, but right now he is. Okay, Nunzio? And if you listen to what he told you, it seems to me that he shows an important maturity when he tells you that maybe I’ve arrived, right? “

D’Alessio confirmed everything: “It is clear to everyone that I am no longer Luca, in the afternoon he is no longer there”. For this reason, in his opinion, it was right that Nunzio continued. LDA in tears He spoke a word for all his companions before leaving. “They were all like a second family. I will carry you in my heart all my life. You made Luca improve as a person, everyone,” he said before addressing each of them personally. There were tears and hugs, very strong bonds were formed and it’s not easy to separate after so many months. And then LDA thanked Maria De Filippi: “Maria, I wanted to thank you, you made me Luca. You opened the eyes of many people through me, you made me Luca. Point”.

“Gigi D’Alessio never called me, not even at Christmas,” says Maria after leaving LDA

When he said “You made me Luca”, he meant that he isn’t anymore Luca, the son of Gigi D’Alessio. After Amici, for many it will only be called LDA, and maybe for one or the other Gigi will now be the father of LDA and not vice versa. Maria revealed that D’Alessio never made himself heard during Amici:

“I wanted to tell you that your father never called me to tell me to help you or anything. Even though he has my phone and I have his. He didn’t even send me Christmas greetings this year.”

LDA did not lose his irony and sympathy when Maria spoke of the missed Christmas wishes, even commenting: “Okay, that’s a rude thing to do!”. And it made everyone laugh. It’s really a shame that he eventually lost sight of the lens, because LDA is a great protagonist of Amici 21 and could have aimed even higher. She will return home knowing that she made it on her own, as Maria herself pointed out:

“Remember I said at the auditions whose son you are? I wanted this thing to be transparent because you cast like everyone else. So that we understand each other. Being your father’s son is a privilege and at the same time a great burden on the career you aspire to. I believe when you decided to do this job all of this was revealed to you. I hope you learned to live with it, the important thing was to learn to live with it.

LDA to Amici 2022 must make himself known. According to him, if he had come out of nowhere, many people would not have met him and appreciated him for what he is, just calling him “the son of”. Then he concluded: “You corrected me, I tell you from the heart”.