A fazenda Meeting of expeons causes an uproar in a

A fazenda: Meeting of expeons causes an uproar in a shopping center in Rio

Solange Gomes and Deborah Albuquerque I had lunch at a restaurant in BarraShopping in Rio de Janeiro this Monday afternoon.

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The participants of The farm 13 and 14 caused an uproar when they walked through the establishment together and were repeatedly approached by reality fans to take pictures. The two beauties even tried to take advantage of a sale at a major department store located in the area, but due to the uproar, when they were recognized, they left the place without even taking an article of clothing from the store. even after a long queue to enter the store and enjoy the bargain.


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Deborah and Solange who have been seen constantly since they left the reality shows they took part in in Terra da Ruiva in SP, this time they have a meeting in Cidade da Morena, wife of Dr. Bruno Salomão, now known as “Fofinho”, revealed that he was enthusiastic about the wonderful city and wanted to live here.