They call for sanctions against attempts to contest US elections

They call for sanctions against attempts to contest US elections

According to The Hill newspaper, the motion comes after Superior Court of the Demarcation Judge Peter Thompson ruled against the former Republican nominee on Saturday after annulling the Nov. 8 votes.

The district, which contains about 60 percent of Arizona’s population and was the target of Lake’s rebuttal, argued that the former TV host’s lawsuit constituted harassment, was without merit and was not brought in good faith.

“Courts are created by the Constitution and the law to resolve genuine disputes between parties” and “should not be used to harass political opponents and cast wholly unfounded doubts about the integrity of the election,” the Maricopa attorneys wrote.

Meanwhile, Hobbs, also the current Secretary of State, argued that Lake and his legal advisers should know they had no evidence to successfully pursue an election challenge.

Likewise, they highlighted the Republican’s refusal to commit to accepting the results before the midterm elections.

Last week, the party’s former nominee, identified with the color red, revealed her theories in court about how her victory in the election was allegedly stolen when Democrat Hobbs won by just over 17,000 votes, according to the official ballot count.

The judge dismissed eight of the ten counts in the lawsuit as insufficient grounds to contest the election before the trial, but allowed the trial to proceed so Lake could attempt to prove the remaining two counts.

Finally, Thompson held that the plaintiffs had not presented sufficient evidence that the officers committed willful misconduct that it was intended to affect the findings or that the judgment was altered as a result.

Arizona has become the epicenter of Republican Party efforts to challenge midterm election results using alleged voter disenfranchisement allegations.

Maricopa officials acknowledged that printers at 70 of the county’s 223 polling stations were using ink that was too light on Election Day, making the tabulating machines difficult to operate, but insisted everyone had a chance to cast their ballot.
