Does Stress Turn Your Hair White How to avoid gray

Does Stress Turn Your Hair White? How to avoid gray hair? Estao

Shilpi Ketarpalassociate professor of dermatology and dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic in the USA, specializing in hair diseases and laser and cosmetic dermatology why does hair turn gray or whitewhat is the relationship of emphasize with this event and how to avoid premature aging of the lines.

What Causes Our Hair to Turn Gray? Is my hair more likely to turn gray when I’m stressed?

Many things can turn our hair gray, including genetics and stress. Hair graying is mostly unrelated to stress, but it can exacerbate aging.

In humans, the purpose and function of hair is a matter of debate, unlike in animals. However, hair serves both as an aesthetic tool and as a means of nonverbal communication. The style and color of our hair can alter our physical appearance and affect our body image. Hair colors range from black and brown to red and blonde. Over time, the hair slowly turns gray or white. Gray hair is perceived as a sign of aging, which can affect selfesteem — especially when it comes on prematurely.

Stress can accelerate the hair aging process.Stress can accelerate the hair aging process. Photo: Freepik

Hair follicles have stem cells called melanocytes that produce a pigment, melanin, that gives hair color. Melanocytes change to continue producing melanin for a period of time. There are two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. The diversity of hair color results from the amount and proportion of blackbrown eumelanin and redbrown phaeomelanin. A mutation in a specific receptor (melanocortin1 or MC1R) results in red hair.

As we age, these melaninproducing cells undergo a phenomenon called apoptosis, or programmed cell death, which causes hair to turn gray or white.

Factors besides age can determine when a person’s hair begins to change color. The first is genetics if your parents started graying early, chances are you will. Ethnicity also plays a role. Aging has been shown to occur earlier in Caucasians than in African Americans. One study showed that the median age of Caucasians is 34, compared to 44 for African Americans.

Another reason is stress. Chronic stress can have multiple effects on the body, and hair is no exception.. A 2013 study showed a correlation between stress and gray hair in mice. The theory is that melanocytes are depleted when they are under stress. While genetics seem to be a big factor in someone turning gray, stress can be a contributing factor.

However, good nutrition can reverse some of the negative effects of stress on your hair. A diet rich in antioxidant sources like fish, olive oil, and fresh fruits and vegetables can reduce oxidative stress.

Other factors known to cause aging are smoking and malnutrition (such as vitamin D, B12 or ferritin). In these cases, correcting the deficiency has been shown to restore some of the hair’s pigment or color.

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To maintain healthy hair, eat a balanced diet high in protein and high in fruits and vegetables; and reduce stress with exercise or meditation.