1672353662 Luis Fernando Camacho will have his first hearing before the

Luis Fernando Camacho will have his first hearing before the judiciary this Thursday

Fernando Camacho has his first audience this ThursdayFernando Camacho has his first audience this Thursday

The main opposition leader of the President of Bolivian Luis Arceand the former president Evo Moralesface yours first hearing of precautionary measures this Thursday after his arrest on Wednesday afternoon.

The meeting will take place virtually on 5.00.. “In view of the above monument, the information provided by the petitioner is taken into account, in this context a public hearing to consider the application of precautionary measures is indicated for December 29, 2022 at 17:00 in the courtroom virtual this in the merit of the instructive 12/ 2020-SP-TDJLP,” reads the court document recently issued by the competent judge. Sergio Pacheco.

Camacho was arrested the day before as part of an investigation into the case coup d’état I who accuses him of it terrorism during the Crisis 2019which ended with Morales resigning from the presidency.

This is how Luis Fernando Camacho was arrested in Bolivia

This case was opened due to a Complaint made by former deputy Lydia Patty End of 2020, in which the former interim president is also involved Jeanine anezwho already was sentenced to 10 years from prison.

In the case of Camacho, which remains in the until now Government Headquarters Anti-Crime Force Unit in La Paz, requested the public prosecutor’s office -in principle- six months in custody because they believe there is flight hazard for its “significant migratory flow” to Brazil, Peru, Panama, the United States, Argentina and Spain. This, they argue, constitutes “a ease of leaving the countryand a potential prevented from investigating the case.

Besides Patty’s complaint, the governor has at least others five open processes for various “crimes” and “vandalism”.

Luis Fernando Camacho arrested for coup 1 and prosecutors request six months preventive detention (AFP)Luis Fernando Camacho arrested for coup 1 and prosecutors request six months preventive detention (AFP)

The opposition leader spent Wednesday night in a state security cell in the Bolivian capital after being arrested hours earlier on his way home.

The fact has been pointed out “Kidnapping” both by him and by other leaders of his party and his supporters. This set off a wave of demonstrations Y protests in Santa Cruz state, where people gathered at airports to try to stop their transfer Peace and then they stayed on the street and turned themselves in to the police.

The Ombudsman of Santa Cruzthe largest Bolivian region, Romulo Calvo, announced a “peaceful” fight for Camacho’s release and demanded that President Arce release him “immediately” to “avoid the unnecessary confrontation that his administration intends to install in Santa Cruz”.

Rómulo Calvo called for Camacho's Rómulo Calvo called for Camacho’s “immediate release”.

For his part Camacho refused to comment to authorities and said: “I will accept the right to remain silent. I want to make it clear that I am proud and appreciate having been part of the greatest struggle in Bolivia’s history for freedom and democracy.

The public prosecutor’s office responded to these allegations by assuring that “it is not a question of kidnapping or political persecution”, but on the contrary responds to a “Arrest warrant” which aired in October of that year. It also added that Camacho “has full knowledge of the process from the start.”

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