1672394492 Apollinaire Selezilo Central Africans felt abandoned by France

Apollinaire Sélézilo: ‘Central Africans felt abandoned by France’

The linguist Apollinaire Sélézilo. The linguist Apollinaire Sélézilo. DR

Apollinaire Sélézilo, 50, teaches linguistics at Bangui University. He is also the representative of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (Cemac) in the Central African Republic.

What was your first contact with France?

I can’t really talk about first contact because France is part of my identity. Although I was born after the independence of a former colony called Oubangui-Chari, for me France remains the motherland that defends human rights, promotes education and health and protects the population from aggressors. She also founded the university where I studied. That’s why I’m grateful to France and Francophonie.

Admittedly, the perception of France has evolved. Today it is sometimes demonized in the Central African Republic. It is said that all bad luck starts from her, but often it is because of the misinformation spread on the internet. At the same time, those who can afford it seek treatment in France and enroll their children in French schools to offer them a better future. The vast majority of Central Africans have no problem with the former colonial power. The bond remains very strong.

I’ll give you an example: in my village of Bogangolo, when someone says they’ve returned from the United States, it elicits no more response than if they were from a neighboring village. On the other hand, when it comes from France, we look at it with a form of respect.

Presentation of our series From Dakar to Djibouti, radioscopy of relations between Africa and France

Since 2018, the Central African Republic has been the scene of a struggle for influence between Russia and France. However, the former colonial power is about to lose it?

My country has long been the scene of conflicts of interest between major powers. It interested China from 1968, but also Libya. Jean Bedel Bokassa [au pouvoir de 1966 à 1996] winked at the Russians before returning to France.

“When Operation Sangaris ended, we were truly underwhelmed, dismayed”

When in March 2013, after barbaric acts, the Seleka [une coalition de groupes armés à dominante musulmane] Ousted from power by President François Bozizé, the Central African Republic has become a non-state. Operation “Sangaris” [lancée par l’armée française en décembre 2013 avec l’accord des Nations unies] was a salvation for the people. But true, when it ended three years later, it left Central Africans feeling abandoned. We were really undermined, dismayed.

The Central African authorities turned to Russia, which sent instructors to mentor the Central African officers. Today we find ourselves with a Russian ally and its operational arm that is [le groupe de mercenaires] Wagner.

The last French soldiers stationed in Bangui left on December 15. How was that perceived?

These men were only there to provide some of the Minusca’s logistics [Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations unies pour la stabilisation de la Centrafrique]. It didn’t cause anything special.

Also Read: In the Central African Republic, the attack on Dmitri Sytyi, the head of Russian propaganda, revives tensions between Paris and Moscow

Russia is also gaining ground elsewhere in Africa. how do you explain it

I think it’s a chain reaction. What happened in the Central African Republic was repeated in Mali and could soon happen in Burkina Faso. Mali has signed a military agreement with Russia because the Central African Republic has found peace. It’s logic. But in the minds and hearts of Central Africans, Russia will never replace France.

How does the population perceive this rivalry between foreign countries taking place on their soil?

Central Africans are most concerned about their day-to-day survival [le pays se place à la 188e place sur 191 du classement de l’Indice de développement humain du Programme des Nations unies pour le développement]. With its diamonds and its gold, the Central African Republic is a rich country inhabited by poor people. That makes us sad. We want to live in safety and today it is the Russians who protect us. The rest seems far away.


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If you have to put out a fire with water, don’t look to see if it’s dirty or clean. The population thanks the Russians for liberating the areas, but they continue to suffer on a daily basis, especially from the abuse of armed men, be they Russian mercenaries or Minuska.

Summary of our series “From Dakar to Djibouti, radioscopy of Africa-France relations”

Presenting our series From Dakar to Djibouti, radioscopy of Africa-France relations Episode 1 Paap Seen: “The former colonizer continues to show arrogance towards Africans” Episode 2 Emna Belhaj Yahia: “La France de fraternity, equality, freedom belong to me as much as for you” Episode 3 Joey the Soldier: “Nothing will prevent the break with France, it is the report of the youth” Episode 4 Aminata Traoré : “In Mali and elsewhere, this anger towards France is the painful expression of a feeling of humiliation” Episode 5 Tanella Boni: “The French are unwilling to renew their attitude towards Africa” Episode 6 Elom 20ce : “France has sold us its civilization by belittling our African cultures” Episode 7 Alice Nkom: “It’s up to us , Africans , to have officials able to speak on an equal footing with France, China, or Russia.” Episode 8 Remadji Hoinathy, anthropologist: “In Chad, France seems n ot hear e nothing but maintaining stability” Episode 9 Apollinaire Sélézilo: “The Central Africans felt that France was letting them down”