Manipulation of the Bell Center

Manipulation of the Bell Center

Let’s hope 2023 will be the year when François Legault decides to put an end to the farce of “Montreal, Mohawk Unceded Territory,” that anti-Quebec myth perpetrated by the Montreal Canadians before every game at the Bell Center repeated ad nauseam. and the sneering mayor of the Anglicized metropolis.

Quebecers still love professional ice hockey? One might wonder why! Because hockey doesn’t like Quebecers anymore.

Last week I spoke to you about the assimilative vocation of the Bell Center and Montreal Canadians using hockey to make Quebecers smaller… Quebecers snubbing the Canadian team out of racism.

In short, if a little guy dreams of playing for the Montreal Canadians, it’s better for him to be from the United States or Western Canada, areas that are closer spiritually to the current management of the former team of Maurice Richard and Serge Savard . .


Last week I forgot one element of this brainwashing: At the Bell Center, we were told the shameless lie “Montréal: unceded territory”… that untruth also loved by Valérie Plante.

No, Ville-Marie was never Mohawk ancestral land. Politico-religious Mohawk refugees from New York State, persecuted by their own for converting to Catholicism, settled under French protection at Mission Sault-Saint-Louis, present-day Kahnawake.

That’s enough !

When Montreal Canadians began spreading this untruth in October 2021, it caused a scandal. Minister Ian Lafrenière then said it was a team mistake, but the Canadians continue to say so. The same applies to Valérie Plante: she continues to say so.

Those who gargle with this lie hope to deceive Quebecers who, without a history lesson, will end up swallowing these monstrosities that have no other aim than to delegitimize them. Yes, it is time that François Legault called for an end to this farce.

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