Covid 19 could the health situation in China exacerbate the

Covid 19: could the health situation in China exacerbate the drug shortage in France?

The gist In the face of increasing cases of contamination, the Chinese authorities have decided to confiscate the production of certain pharmaceutical companies. This decision may well have an impact on the global supply of medicines.

The increase in cases of Covid-19 contamination could well have consequences for medicine stocks in France, particularly for paracetamol and amoxicillin, given severe supply shortages. And with good reason, China is a major player in the global drug industry: the country manufactures no less than 80% of the active ingredients found in the raw materials of medicines, according to Rémi Salomon, President of the ‘AP-HP Medical Commission.

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In connection with the outbreak of an epidemic, China has already decided to confiscate the production of certain pharmaceutical companies, while millions of Chinese struggle to obtain basic medicines for treatment. Amid shortages, at least a dozen pharmaceutical companies have been ordered to guarantee “supplies” of essential medicines.

Several dozen drugs involved?

In France, health professionals are concerned: “Yes, we are concerned about the consequences that the Chinese context could have for the shortage of medicines, but also for masks and other materials,” recalls Philippe Besset, President of the Confederation of Trade Unions. Pharmaceutical companies in France and pharmacists in Limoux (Aude), with our colleagues around the world. This adds to the problems with pediatric medicines. We have no vision for the coming weeks.”

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“There will be a lack of very simple and vital medicines for our fellow citizens,” predicts Bernard Bégaud, Professor of Pharmacology, on the RTL microphone. He estimates that “at least 80 essential drugs” could be involved in the games. France is already facing several delivery bottlenecks. In a press release published on December 23, the National Council of the Order of Pharmacists stated that in France “more than 70% of pharmacies declare that they have a deficiency in pediatric amoxicillin”. Many representatives of the industry have expressed the wish for a rapid renationalization of production.