The ICRC received 63 people in the hands of the

The ICRC received 63 people in the hands of the Armed Forces in Colombia

In a review of the year, he pointed out that the ICRC, in its role as a neutral mediator, tries to alleviate the suffering of people affected by armed conflict and violence.

He assured that he spoke to all warring factions to remind them that wars have limits.

From a humanitarian point of view, it is necessary to make every possible effort to facilitate the reunification of families separated due to the conflicts in this South American country, he stressed.

He recalled that it is crucial that armed actors respect international humanitarian law, which protects in particular the civilian population and those who have ceased their participation in hostilities.

In both rural and urban areas, victims of conflict and violence must be treated in a timely and dignified manner, the humanitarian organization stressed.

He emphasized that children and young people are particularly vulnerable in the face of armed conflict and violence and therefore need special protection.

He stated that the ICRC is neutral and never takes sides in an armed conflict or takes part in political disputes.

In this sense, the bilateral and confidential dialogue with arms bearers and people affected by such scenarios has allowed them to reach the most remote places.

The Red Cross is a symbol of humanitarian aid, he emphasized in his summary at the end of 2022.
