A year after appearing on There is mail for you, Alessia Quarto confirms she hasn’t made peace with her husband, who reached out to her through Maria De Filippi’s people show after he cheated on her with a cousin.
A year has passed since the Neapolitan Alessia Fourth had attended You have mail, summoned by her husband Giovanni, who hoped to make peace with her. Alessia had immediately captured the audience of the people show, hosted by Maria De Filippi, both for her special story and for the unexpected turn that was suddenly offered to the viewers when she admitted in front of the cameras that her husband had cheated on her with one Cousin. Buoyed by the audience’s applause, Alessia decided not to forgive Giovanni and to leave the program alone. But what happened a year after that moment?
Alessia Quarto has not forgiven her husband Giovanni
Interviewed by Radio Cusano a year after that moment, Alessia Quarto explains that she has never heard from her ex-husband Giovanni, except to define the details of the breakup: “We got mad at each other over breakup issues, but nothing about it. I haven’t seen him since then. No approach or qualms with him. I don’t know if he’s engaged and I don’t care. I got engaged again and I’m very happy now.” She then added that she had returned to her normal life away from TV:
For months I’ve been getting messages from the show’s audience. I don’t dream of TV, I’m not gifted and I would never do Men and Women or Temptation Island because I’m too jealous. I wasn’t then able to speak to Maria De Filippi because at the time the episode was taped we were suffering from a pandemic and that’s why I wasn’t allowed to speak to her, although I would have liked to.
The catchphrase in You’ve Got Mail: “Do you keep it golden?”
Alessia had impressed the audience You have mail also thanks to the naturalness with which he told his story in front of the cameras. Famous in this sense is the catchphrase used to describe the lover of the husband who later turned out to be a cousin. “Do you think it’s spot on?” he said with a colloquialism that had audiences at home and in the studio laughing.