Almost a month after Will Smith slapped Chris Rock in the face at the 2022 Oscars, he’s speaking again. Now it was Cris’ mother who gave her version in an interview with American television network ‘WIS’: “What do you mean? It’s not like you go every year.” However, Chris’ mother claimed to be “very proud” for his son’s reaction, which “processes what happened” to this day.
The comedian’s mother revealed her unease at what had happened: “I told someone that if Will hits Chris, he hits all of us but especially me. If you hurt my son, you hurt me. I have no idea what to say to that other than ‘What the hell were you thinking? Because it was just a slap, but a lot could have happened. Chris could have fallen. I could have ended this all with people in handcuffs. You do not know. You responded to a look from your wife and went upstairs and made her day because she gaped with laughter as I walked past,” Rose Rock gruffly continued, explaining that the situation could have been worse.
But she wasn’t the only one in the family to speak out about the incident. His brother Kenny Rock also commented at the time that Smith’s apology seemed insufficient: “I feel very bad because he never apologized. His people wrote an article and said, ‘I apologize to Chris Rock,’ but that’s a personal thing.”