Video I want to see the sun asks a child

Video: I want to see the sun asks a child in Ukraine Uno TV Noticias

Video I want to see the sun asks a childChildren continue to be the hardest hit by the war that Russia has waged against Ukraine. Photo: AFP / Illustrative.

Refugees living in a gigantic steel factory Mariupolthe last stronghold of the Ukrainian militia, shook the whole world after a shock Video where they can be heard screaming to “see the sun”.

The recording, published by the Azov battalionshows entire families “anchored” to whom the military brings a little food and too toys so that minors forget the forced arrests for a moment.

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“I want to see the sun because there’s little light in here, it’s not like outside. When our homes are rebuilt we will be able to live in peace.”

refugee child.

How is the life of the refugees in the steel mill?

The Azov Battalion, created by pro-Ukrainian nationalists Inducted into the National Guard of Ukraine in 2014 and later, he continues to guard hundreds of people who are in the facility Moscow He has assured that he will not drink.

The soldiers bring toys and food to the children of the workers who take refuge there and dream of seeing the light of the sun again.

As in “Life is Beautiful” with this father who invented games for his son in a Nazi concentration camp, the Ukrainian soldiers holed up in the Mariúpol steel mill manage to make the children’s detention less stressful.

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“Even though we have mobile games, I want to see the sun”insists the minor.

Because at this point only the little ones are distracted by the phone: “We want to come home, come back alive and see our families,” says the boy.

The little refugees with the children of the workers Azovstal Metallurgical Plantbesieged by the Chechens, and in whose bunker soldiers and civilians coexist.

The video features a woman who has been locked up with her little girl for 50 days and is longing to get out now because she says: the meal is over.

Staying underground becomes unbearable for the children, in whose voice one of them sums up the common wish: to see their homes rebuilt and to live in a peaceful Ukraine.