Putin and the mysterious illness the clues that would confirm.jpgw700

Putin and the mysterious illness: the clues that would confirm it

Is Vladimir Putin sick? It’s difficult to say for sure, partly because there are very few certainties about the Russian leader. However, the fact is that in recent weeks the President of Russia has almost appeared in these rarely circulated images “plastered” and more controlled than usual. Controlled as far as you can control. The feet, for example, are a part of the body that we rarely focus on. Maybe it’s because they’re on the less visible end and therefore out of sight. In fact, in one of the latest videos released by the Russian government, President Putin speaking with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu appears with a strange movement of his right foot. And with an equally suspicious immobility in his right hand, with which he even grabs the table in front of him. Although the thumb is often affected by an unusual tremor. With a frosty look and a monotonous voice, Vladimir Putin has appeared again and again in recent months, but this time his posture makes him more suspicious: while Minister Shoigu sits on the top of the armchair, in an apparent attitude of respect and closeness to the President, Putin almost seems Sausage with curved shoulders, almost swallowed by the chair itself. Almost as if he couldn’t move. So? Is Vladimir Putin sick? The rumors follow each other and these clues would point to Parkinson’s disease. But these are only hypotheses. The truth may never be known. What is certain and undeniable, however, is that the Russian leader is also going through a difficult moment physically. Whether this is due to headaches from the unexpected prolongation of the war in Ukraine or an illness remains a mystery for the time being.