New attacks on steel mill Kiev offers negotiations with Moscow

New attacks on steel mill Kiev offers negotiations with Moscow

Kiev has offered negotiations with Moscow in view of the plight of fighters and civilians trapped at the Ukrainian steel mill in Mariupol. Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podoliak said on Twitter on Sunday that a “special round” could be held on the exchange of military personnel. According to Russian sources, 2,500 Ukrainian fighters and foreign mercenaries are hiding in the Azovstal factory.

According to Ukrainian sources, 1,000 civilians, including many children and women, live in the bunkers built for a nuclear war.

Russia should consider the rest of its reputation and announce a true ceasefire by Easter, Podoljak said in the tweet. Orthodox Christians in Ukraine and Russia celebrated Easter on Sunday – a week later than Catholics and Protestants, who follow a different calendar. Podoljak criticized that, despite Easter celebrations, steel mills would continue to be bombarded with bombs and artillery.

Feared the assault on the industrial zone

Russia is gathering military units and technology to invade the industrial zone. Podoliak recalled that Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the order not to invade the factory. But Russian units should seal it so that no “flies” come out, Putin demanded.

A humanitarian corridor is needed immediately, Podoljak demanded. The Ukrainian and Russian sides repeatedly blame each other for the fact that civilian escape corridors are not being built. Deputy commander of Ukraine’s Azov regiment, Svyatoslav Palamar, said in a new video message that “in Mariupol the enemy is dropping bombs on the heads of completely innocent children” as Easter is celebrated.