Maira Cardi reveals she lost a child in 2022 Virtually

Maira Cardi reveals she lost a child in 2022: ‘Virtually nobody knew’

Maira Cardi Playback from Instagram

Maira Cardi Playback from Instagram

Published on 31.12.2022 15:16 | Updated on 12/31/2022 3:20 PM

Rio Maira Cardi took to Instagram this Saturday to take stock of 2022. In a lengthy text, the digital influencer and Arthur Aguiar’s exwife shared some difficult moments she faced throughout the year, including losing a child, falling into a deep depression and nearing death.

“I indulged in a game that wasn’t even mine, joined an outside conversation… and we won! I broke up, came back, broke up again and finally we ended this cycle. I’ve also suffered from haters and a lot of fake news,” she began.

“I’ve had my daughter in intensive care and hospital a few times, I cried a lot, I was disappointed, I got emotional and I learned to be grateful! I lost a child that virtually nobody knew about, I went in and out of a severe depression that nearly killed me… and again, hardly anyone knew I was there!”

Afterward, the weight loss coach recalled some disappointments and said she donated a lot of money. “I’ve met people, I’ve lost people, I’ve been disappointed by people I never thought would be disappointed and I’ve been surprised by those I least expected. I’ve traveled a lot, worked a lot, made mistakes and I was right! … I had the privilege of giving my first million, one of the most beautiful things God has given me!

Finally, Maíra said goodbye to the old year: “What more do I want from 2022? I thank the year 2022 from the bottom of my heart because it was everything I needed to get to where I always dreamed! Lots of love and gratitude because it’s part of my story forever. Let 2023 come, I’m ready to finally be happy and live all my most unlikely dreams. Happy new year, happy new life”.