The official gazette appears full of exonerations of the Bolsonaro

The official gazette appears full of exonerations of the Bolsonaro ministers

Posted on 1/1/2023 10:05 AM / Updated on 1/1/2023 10:12 AM

    (Credit: ED ALVES/CB/DAPress)

(Credit: ED ALVES/CB/DAPress)

Section 2 of the Official Journal (DOU) from the first day of 2023 was full of exonerations. Signed by incumbent President Hamilton Mourão, there are a total of 20 farewell pages to the Bolsonaro government. The list includes highprofile names such as former Economy Minister Paulo Guedes and former Minister Augusto Heleno of the President’s Office of Institutional Security.

The other names of the relieved ministers are:

LUIZ EDUARDO RAMOS BAPTISTA PEREIRA as Minister of State Head of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic;

BRUNO BIANCO LEAL as Attorney General of the Union;

MARCOS MONTES CORDEIRO as Minister of State for Agriculture, Livestock and Supplies;

RONALDO VIEIRA BENTO as Minister of State for Citizenship;

PAULO CÉSAR REZENDE DE CARVALHO ALVIM as Minister of State for Science, Technology and Innovation;


ROGÉRIO BOUERI MIRANDA as Head of the Special Advisory Office for Economic Studies at the Ministry of Economy;

VICTOR GODOY VEIGA as Minister of State for Education;

MARCELO SAMPAIO CUNHA FILHO as Minister of State for Infrastructure;

ANDERSON GUSTAVO TORRES as Minister of State for Justice and Public Safety;

CARLOS ALBERTO FRANCO FRANÇA as Minister of State for Foreign Affairs;


JOSE CARLOS OLIVEIRA as Minister of State for Labor and Social Security;

CARLOS ALBERTO GOMES DE BRITO as Minister of State for Tourism; and

WAGNER DE CAMPOS ROSÁRIO from the post of Minister of State for the Comptroller General of the Union.

Check the exceptions on the DOU’s official website.

new ministers

Presidentelect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva completed the composition of his Esplanada with a record number of women in the first season. There will be 11 ministers in a total of 37 folders. Increasing the participation of women in government was one of the PT’s promises during the campaign, although it avoided committing to full parity in positions.

Among the ministers, the first six have been announced in the past two weeks. Luciana Santos will head the Science and Technology portfolio. Health is headed by Nísia Trindade. Singer Margareth Menezes has been announced for Culture. Cida Gonçalves will take over the leadership of the Ministry of Women. Racial Equality will mentor Anielle Franco, sister of murdered councilwoman Marielle Franco. Finally, Esther Duek will lead the Ministry of Administration.

Simone Tebet will take over the planning department, while Marina Silva will once again be in charge of the environment department. Sônia Guajajara will lead the unprecedented Ministry of Indigenous Peoples. Former volleyball player Ana Moser was elected head of the Ministry of Sports and Daniela do Waguinho head of the Ministry of Tourism.