Zileide Silvas reaction to Bonner spooks viewers in inauguration coverage

Zileide Silva’s reaction to Bonner spooks viewers in inauguration coverage

Zileide Silva in Jornal Hoje (Image: Playback/TV Globo)

Zileide Silva in Jornal Hoje (Image: Reproduction/TV Globo)

William Bonner is not a player, but if the same coverage on the networks is valid for three different moments, he can already request music on “Fantástico”. The Jornal Nacional moderator became the subject when he invoked Galvão Bueno when he spoke about the date of the president’s inauguration, when he made fun of Renata Lo Prete’s tennis in the Jornal da Globo and finally for a response he received from Zileide Silva.

The reporter covered Lula’s inauguration this Sunday (1st) from inside the Planalto Palace. But when called by Bonner for a live performance, she responded with production: “We can’t call people right now, calm down,” she replied.

In the studio, Lo Prete joked about the comeback and Bonner urged his colleague to call the reporter next time. With that, it wasn’t long before social media was taken over by comments, particularly those who spoke about the journalist’s apparent impatience.

One person wrote on Twitter: “My patience is like Zileide’s”. In another, a user shared: “Zileide Silva delivers love bugs”. Others went further and pointed out the “spur” she would have given her colleague