1672622558 Domenica In Dalila Di Lazzaro I got married when I

Domenica In, Dalila Di Lazzaro: «I got married when I was 15, I was pregnant with Christian. Then this plane crash

Delilah of Lazarus is a guest Sunday In. In Mara Venier’s living room, the artist traces his career and the most important moments of his family and love life. Among all the stories, the plane crash experienced by her protagonist at a young age has a lot of space.

Dalila di Lazzaro on Domenica In, the missing son and love


Dalila traces the most important stages of her career and remembers the opportunities she had to give up because of the fear of flying. A phobia resulting from the trauma of an accident on a flight from Miami to the Bahamas. “After falling on the plane, I gave up so many opportunities for fear of taking it back,” she says.

“I was in Miami to celebrate a birthday in the Bahamas, at some point the plane started to collapse because there was no pressure build-up. He collapsed until he repeatedly touched the water until he stopped. I didn’t understand the English of advertising, I had this girl next to me who gave me sugar». “At that moment – he continues in his story – they could not open the door and the plane could be heard being sucked into the sea”.

“It was a huge trauma. They pulled me off the plane and dragged me onto the plane.”

Then again the story of her marriage, when she became pregnant at a very young age with her son Christian, who died in a car accident in his early twenties. «I got married very young at 15, one child. I was waiting for Christian and luckily I met this guy in my life. Those were the best years of my life,” she says.

Memories of Fregene and the love for Manuel

Di Lazzaro traces the moments he shared with the presenter in Fregene during their children’s childhood. “It’s a shame that there are no cell phones and photos from back then. It was an Italy where anything could happen if you had the will and wanted to work. At my age I never thought I would see everything I saw in those 3 years».

In the studio her boyfriend Manuel Pia, with whom she has shared her life for 9 years. “I love you because you made my friend Dalila happy,” says Mara Venier, welcoming him into the studio.