weather report Europe does not let go of African anticyclone

weather report. Europe does not let go of African anticyclone, anomalous heat resists over most C 3bmeteo

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Abnormal heat in more than half of EuropeAbnormal heat in more than half of Europe

The African anticyclone remains well extended over Europe until it includes the central states of the continent and also the Balkan states. Temperatures remain well above average after a New Year’s Eve that was marked by values ​​that were sometimes 18/20°C above average. In many places, daily low temperatures were incredibly high for this period. TO Paris 11°C (8°C above average), in Berlin 13°C (15°C above average), 8°C in Warsaw (13°C above average), 12°C in Brussels (11°C above average).

The anticyclone has also conquered the Balkan Peninsula, where, however, the strong temperature inversions do not allow us to estimate the temperature increase at low altitudes, where minimum values ​​are recorded even below zero. At an altitude of 2000m, minimum temperatures of +4°C are measured in Serbia and Slovakia, even +1°C at 2600m in the Tatra National Park towards the border with Poland. The climate is also very mild in Eastern Europe and today’s lows hover around 5/8°C over most of Ukraine and Belarus and to find values ​​around zero you have to head to central-northern Russia.

Yesterday’s New Year’s highs were exceptionally high over many central and western states, with daily readings hitting 21C in Bordeaux, 18/19C in Germany, Poland 18.7°C in Warsaw (highest temperature not only in Warsaw but in all of Poland in January), 17° in Wroclaw, 16°C in Lodz, 15°C in Kraków.

In the next few hours, however, we will witness a certain thing Reduction of the maximum temperatures on the Atlantic sides of Spain and France, but also in Belgium, Holland, Germany and Poland, due to the passage of a fast Atlantic disturbance that will bring some rain. But it will only be a bracket because already in the middle of the week a new promontory of the African anticyclone will expand again and bring back spring-like climatic conditions.

But now Very high maximum temperatures will still be reached this afternoon to countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Austria and the northern Balkan sector, particularly at altitudes where temperature rise is not inhibited by temperature inversions Peaks even higher than 12/15°C at 1500m. In this way, new records can be set.

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