1672678051 Im a Starbucks Barista 5 Worst Jerks Customers Do to

I’m a Starbucks Barista: 5 Worst Jerks Customers Do to Annoy Me

This Starbucks employee is upset about her coffee customers.

Keicha Halsell – aka Keke Not Palmer on TikTok – is blowing the plastic lid off the worst things customers can do when ordering a cup of coffee from the Seattle-based coffee chain.

The barista revealed the most annoying “icks” people give her when buying coffee in a now-deleted viral video, the Chron reported.

The Florida native, who has nearly 20,000 followers and more than 1 million likes on the platform, began her now-viral clip by declaring, “I’m pretty sure I can get in trouble for this video — but I’ll do it anyway.” .”

Then she listed her top 5 ailments that annoy her while conjuring up caffeinated drinks: Halsell’s first annoyance is when people are online and then it takes them “a full five more minutes to tell us what they want” when they come to the cashier.

Starbucks barista“I’m pretty sure I can get in trouble for this video, but I’m going to do it anyway,” barista Keicha Halsell began her clip. TikTok / @kekenotpalmer

Halsell — one of a growing number of alleged Starbucks workers attempting to use viral videos to draw attention to workplace grievances — also despises those who order dairy alternatives like almond, oat and soy products but then ask for sweet whipped cream Top the iced drink with.

She noted that those who can’t drink dairy shouldn’t add heavy milk and cream to their drinks because the additives aren’t beneficial to them.

The worker’s next problem involves customers who order new items they’ve never consumed before — and end up disliking the drink.

Then she has to make a “cup” five times until the buyer is satisfied. “How about me? [It] it’s getting on my nerves,” she moaned.

Your next irritation is when others demand a mystery drink that’s not on the menu or from TikTok, thanks to the 32.1 billion videos tagged with the #Starbucks tag.

Starbucks baristaHalsell often shares her experience working for the Seattle-based coffee chain on TikTok.TikTok / @kekenotpalmer

Halsell explained, “You don’t know the recipe, so I have to sit there for two minutes and watch a barista on TikTok make a drink that took two minutes to make and then takes two minutes to write it down and five minutes to prepare it.”

Her last anger is when she’s brewing a latte — and then suddenly the person changes her mind, claiming they “forgot to say ‘ice cream.’ She added that the patron should have said that little fact earlier when Halsell was typing in the order.

Starbucks baristaOne of their main problems with customers is when they ask them to make a drink that isn’t on the menu.TikTok / @kekenotpalmer

According to the Chron report, viewers of the since-deleted clip took to the comments, revealing that it’s workers like Halsell who make visiting Starbucks an uncomfortable experience.

“That’s why I’m afraid to order. That’s why I stay home to make my own coffee,” snapped one user, while another chimed in, “That’s why I only get my coffee at the speedway. Starbucks just pushes too hard.”

But there were a few fellow baristas who defended Halsell with their own customer horror stories.

“My favorite has always been ‘is this mine?’ ‘No, madam. That hot coffee with Brian’s name on it is indeed NOT your frap’,” said one supporter.

Another commenter wrote: “I had a lady earlier who told us we didn’t make her drink right so she could get a free drink coupon from the store manager who was working.”