Alba Parietti Post from the Spa quotI like to please

Alba Parietti, Post from the Spa: "I like to please and like myself" | And silence the haters

Alba Parietti Post from the Spa quotI like to please

“I’m 61.5 years old and I’ve never felt better in my life.” So writes Alba Parietti in the first of the posts depicting her soaking in the pools of the Courmayeur spas. In another, she allows herself to be thrown into a long outburst of asserting her way of being and responding in her own way to those who accuse her of showing off.

“I will have time to surrender and sleep when life no longer gives me the possibility of existence – writes Parietti – but until then I want to present myself in the way that most resembles me: pleasing myself.” And then drives She continues: “I live the love for myself and what I love without false shame. I have a perverted taste for being criticized, loved, hated just because I like being liked and liked. It’s not superficiality, it’s there.” It’s awareness, commitment and a challenge to life, to the times, to clichés, to general morality. That’s me: vain, infantile, youthful at heart. A Lolita of a certain age , who refuses to fit into the stereotypes of a society that determines how and when you are competitive, young, old, strong, if you’ve had your time, how much your time is still worth. And the more time goes by, the more my time is worth.”

And when one of the followers tries to attack her by alluding to the fact that the photos posted may have been retouched or at least artfully studied to look their best (“I’d love to see how you really look in the morning without filters once you get up and then we’ll talk about it” ) she never misses an opportunity to react in the same way. “According to the man who loves me and lives with me, morning is my best moment. And he’s not the only one saying that, look what a disappointment.” game, game, game.