Amazon and clean energy the axes of the meeting between

Amazon and clean energy, the axes of the meeting between Petro and Lula Portfolio

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva received his Colombian counterpart Gustavo Petro this Monday, with whom he met, among other things possible joint actions to improve the protection of the Amazon.

(Read: Legal Processes Bolsonaro Would Face After Leaving the Presidency).

Protecting the environment was one of the banners of the campaign that brought to power the new Brazilian president who promised it would Reintroduction of measures to combat deforestation in the Amazon abandoned by Jair Bolsonaro’s government.

“A great pact to save the Amazon jungle for the benefit of humanity,” Petro wrote on his Twitter account after meeting Lula at whose inauguration this Sunday.

Lula has also suggested that he plans convened a summit with the presidents of the 11 countries that share the world’s largest plant lungto be held in a city in the Brazilian Amazon in the first half of this year.

(See: Lula suspects in Brazil: the economy and 3 other challenges he faces).

In his message, Petro added that during his meeting with Lula, he also discussed a “study on America’s electrical connection to clean energy sources.” He also appreciated the Lula government’s new stance on the region and the fact that there is now “a Brazilian guarantor of peace in Colombia.”

Lula received the Colombian President accompanied by the new Brazilian foreign minister, Mauro Vieira, and former foreign minister Celso Amorim, who will be a sort of foreign policy adviser to the president.

Petro was one of the twenty heads of state and government attending the inauguration this Sunday of Lula, who made the announcement will invigorate Brazil’s foreign policywhich he considered abandoned during the tenure of far-right Bolsonaro, particularly in relation to Latin America.

Lula has foreseen that what he calls Brazil’s “return to the world” will involve the revival of Latin American integration with Mercosur as the starting point and the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac). as regional plugins.

(Continue reading: The best moments of Lula da Silva’s tenure in Brazil.)

The new Brazilian President has dedicated this first day in office to diplomacy and has done so had two bilateral meetings with many executives who had traveled to Brasilia. In addition to Petro, he has received, among others, the King of Spain, Felipe VI, and the Presidents of Argentina, Alberto Fernández; Bolivia, Luis Arce; and Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso.