Anthony Hopkins celebrates 47 years sober quotDo not be ashamedquot

Anthony Hopkins celebrates 47 years sober: "Do not be ashamed"

The message for the boys

“This message is not meant to be difficult, but I hope it is hopeful. I am a recovering alcoholic. I know there are people out there who are struggling,” said the Oscar winner. “During these years of hate and uncompromisingness, children are bullied. To them I say: Be nice to yourself, be nice. Stay away from toxic circles with people who offend you. Live your life and be proud, don’t be ashamed.”

“I had to admit that something was wrong”

He recalled the desperate situation he found himself in in the mid-1970s before he sobered up and probably didn’t have much longer to live. Hopkins quit drinking on December 29, 1975 after finding himself in Arizona with no knowledge of how he got there.

“I just had to admit that there was something really wrong with me,” she explained. “I didn’t realize there was a type of mental, physical and emotional condition called alcoholism or addiction. I’m not an expert on drugs, I’m not an expert on anything, I don’t know anything, all I know is that I’ve discovered a life where no one bullies me.”

The Hopkins Promise

The star then encouraged those who “need help with an addiction or problem” to seek help through The 12-Step Method (the therapeutic program to break out of addiction), which the actor assures is “a new life”. The actor began attending an Alcoholics Anonymous group and later admitted he swore to quit drinking after a woman in the group asked him why he didn’t just believe in God.

December 29, 1975 is very important for the actor and marks a turning point in his life. In 2020, marking his 45 years of sobriety, he had actually told fans, “I’m not a moralist, but I had a message, a little voice that said to me, ‘Do you want to live or die? ‘. I told myself I wanted to live. All of a sudden I felt relief and my life was extraordinary. “