Husband forgets his wife on the road and after driving

Husband forgets his wife on the road and after driving 160 km realizes that the couple had stopped for one

“I forgot my wife.” It could be a remake of the famous movie Mom I Missed the Plane. Instead, it’s the true story of a man who forgot his wife on the street while traveling for the New Year holidays. And he didn’t notice it for more than 160 kilometers when he arrived in his homeland. It happened in Thailand and the protagonist is Boonton Chensu, a 55-year-old man.


The journey, the stop and the restart

During the night drive, the man pulled over to the side of the road for a physiological “pit stop”. In the absence of public services, the woman also got out, but walked not far from where the car was parked to look for a sheltered bush. Apparently her husband noticed the movement of the woman, Amanuy Chaimoon, 49, who fell asleep in the back seat before the stop. When he was done, the man got into the car, started the engine and drove off. But she hasn’t returned yet.

The long walk

She stood there in disbelief, with no money and no cell phone. No way of contacting her husband in the intricate province of Mahasara. So he decided to walk to get to the next place and ask for help. A walk of about twenty kilometers, at the end of which she found a police station to contact her husband. Only now did the man understand what had happened. He realized that without his wife he had reached his goal and, above all, had achieved great things.