Mazzette in EU hearing postponed on Panzeris daughter extradition to

Mazzette in EU, hearing postponed on Panzeri’s daughter extradition to Belgium

Status documents are missing prisons in Belgiumso everything is moved on January 16 next. The hearing before the judges of the second section of the Brescia Court of Appeal lasted a few minutes Sylvia tanks. The judges had to rule on the request to extradite the daughter of the former S&D MEP to Belgium Antonio Panzeri arrested at Brussels with allegations of corruption and recycling. For the Belgian judge Michelle Claisethe 38-year-old with her mother Maria Dolores Colleoni – on which the revision of the cassation defense after the yes to extradition to Belgium is pending – “seems to be full deliberately of Activities” by Panzeri. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party takes a stand on the lifting of MPs Cozzolino and Tarabella’s immunity: “We will vote for it.”

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However, the postponement of the hearing was decided due to the lack of documents requested by the court on the state of prisons in Belgium defense (at the last hearing of December 30) as pre-enquiry to face the extradition of Silvia Panzeri, who was arrested on orders European arrest. “The documents from Belgium did not arrive, the Ministry of Justice informed us of this deficiency and the hearing was postponed,” explains the lawyer Angelo De Riso which he defends together with his colleague Nicholas Collithe 38-year-old is currently AI At home.

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The Italian Ministry of Justice had already forwarded to the Belgian Ministry, last December 22nd, the request of the Brescia Court of Appeal, translated into French, regarding the conditions of detention of the facility where Silvia Panzeri was to be transferred, but still No reply was received in Italy. Only when this happens will the Ministry hand it over to the court, which will make its assessments and then decide on the handover request made by investigating judge Michele Claise.

there defense asked by Silvia Panzeri court of appeal to wear again from Brescia freedom the daughter of the former MEP. Attorneys De Riso and Colli explain that they “alternatively asked theobligation to sign because her client has to practice the profession Lawyer which entails a number of obligations towards its customers”. The decision is expected within 5 days. The defense also appealed against the seizure yesterday 240,000 euros carried out last week by the Bergamo Public Prosecutor’s Office on accounts belonging to the Panzeri family.

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Those who could be determined from January 16 are also two other protagonists corruption scandal which overthrew the European institutions. In fact, the European Parliament announced in a statement on Monday that it had initiated summary proceedings at the request of the Belgian public prosecutor’s office Waiver of immunity for two MEPs. Who it is has not yet been explained, but according to various sources within Eurochamber who spoke anonymously to the newspapers, the two representatives affected by the decision will be from the Democratic Party, Andrew Cozzolinowhereupon the federal prosecutor’s office searched the offices where his assistant worked Francesco Georgiand the Belgian Marc Tarabellawhose home was also searched because, like the Italian, he was considered part of the group “friendly” parliamentarians of what the investigators have defined a “criminal organization” within Parliament. Certainty about the names, as other MPs believed to be close to the suspects emerge in investigations by Belgian prosecutors, will only be certain during the January 16 plenary session, when the President will announce them Robert Metsola.

The Democratic Party and the head of the delegation also comment on this topic Brando Benifeialso touched by the investigation because some protagonists were close to the suspects who announced in Agorà on Rai3: “The Democratic Party will vote in favor of lifting immunity by MPs Andrea Cozzolino and Marc Tarabella”.