Hippie who made 15 MILLION with OnlyFans wants to fulfill

Hippie, who made $1.5 MILLION with OnlyFans, wants to fulfill her dream of going off the grid

An OnlyFans model has revealed how she saved $1.5 million in just a few years after earning money on the social media platform to help her dream of going off-grid.

Indica Flower, of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, comes from a long line of farmers and says “living with the land” and growing her own produce is “deep in her DNA.”

Photos posted to her Instagram account, where she has more than 320,000 followers, show the 25-year-old with dreadlocks, who enjoys a simpler way of life thanks to her large savings, with some of her daily antics – including collecting eggs, picking strawberries, camping in the forest, cooking at the campfire and climbing trees.

While she currently lives in an urban area, Indica is hoping that the $53,800 a month she makes from OnlyFans will allow her to buy her own farm, and she’s on the hunt for the perfect plot of land.

Indica Flower from Baton Rouge, Louisiana makes $53,800 a month on OnlyFans and wants to buy a farm

Indica Flower from Baton Rouge, Louisiana makes $53,800 a month on OnlyFans and wants to buy a farm

The OnlyFans model's dream is to create an

The OnlyFans model’s dream is to create an “all solar powered homestead”.

To show off her love of nature, a caption for one of her videos of her walking barefoot along a river bank reads, “I wish we could all just walk around barefoot [and] naked without all the unwanted sexual attention.

‘I just want to [sic] live freely in nature and feel the sun on my bare skin.”

And in another video, the model tells her followers that while she looks sexy and glamorous, she “is basically just a nerdy hippie who likes to play in the dirt.”

Indica reveals in one of her posts that she decided to enter the adult film industry over a year ago after ending a long-term relationship.

Describing the chain of events, she wrote: “My long-term relationship came to an end, as do all things, and with that all my plans ended. I was left… Lost, scared and confused as hell. I had everything planned. And then BOOM. In no time it was gone. I needed a change.

Indica reveals in one of her posts that she decided to enter the adult film industry more than a year ago after ending a long-term relationship

Indica reveals in one of her posts that she decided to enter the adult film industry more than a year ago after ending a long-term relationship

While her dream is to create a The model has a row of hens for eggs

While her dream is to create a “fully solar-powered homestead,” Indica is already halfway there. She spends a lot of time in nature and has several chickens for eggs

While she gets

While she gets “a lot of hate” online, Indica says her family has been supportive of her career moves

‘A large. And when the opportunity presented itself to break into the adult film industry, I jumped at it. Oh man. Talk about the scariest jump I’ve ever made. I jumped straight from the high dive into the world of porn. It was frightening. And exhilarating. And in the end it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself.”

After breaking into the adult film industry and trying stripping for a while, Indica built a huge following on OnlyFans.

When she’s out and about, she says, people often recognize her and ask for a photo.

About her job she says: “I love my job.

“I have an incredible following who genuinely accept me for who I am and have supported every endeavor since day one.”

She now uses OnlyFans earnings to lead a more ethical, eco-friendly lifestyle.

While she gets “a lot of hate” online, Indica says her family has been supportive of her career moves.

“My parents are very liberal and open-minded. In the beginning it was definitely a transition, they were more concerned about my safety,” the model said.

The model says her parents are fortunately

The model says her parents are fortunately “very liberal and open-minded,” but they were concerned about their safety when sharing content online

The self-confessed hippie says she loves modeling on OnlyFans “I have an incredible following who genuinely accept me for who I am and have supported every endeavor since day one,” says Indica

The self-confessed hippie says she “loves” modeling on OnlyFans and has “an incredible following that accepts me for who I am.”

“It's incredibly rewarding to know exactly where my food comes from.  No antibiotics, no chemicals,” says Indica

“It’s incredibly rewarding to know exactly where my food comes from. No antibiotics, no chemicals,” says Indica

“But ever since they realized I was healthy and happy, it’s only been unconditional love and support.

“I’m so incredibly grateful to them. I get a lot of hate on the internet… [including] Comments that say “I am fatherless” or that there is something wrong with me if I chose this profession.

“It’s 2022. I know it’s shocking, but some women really enjoy sex and sexual environments. Let’s stop perpetuating these very harmful narratives.’

Indica hopes that by sharing photos of her sustainable lifestyle, she will inspire others to do the same.

“I think living off the grid and in communion with Mother Nature provides a sense of purpose that nothing else can,” she explained.

“Raising farm animals (chickens for eggs, cows for milk, not beef, etc.) lovingly and ethically is so rewarding.

“I currently grow some of my own food and have four chickens that provide me with a lot of eggs.

“It’s incredibly rewarding to know exactly where my food comes from. No antibiotics, no chemicals.”

A snap shared on Instagram shows Indica enjoying the verdant view from her tent

A snap shared on Instagram shows Indica enjoying the verdant view from her tent

Outside of the adult film industry, Indica worked as a stripper for a time Indica now has a huge following on OnlyFans

After breaking into the adult film industry and trying stripping for a while, Indica built a huge following on OnlyFans

The model says she plans to stay in the porn industry for at least five more years When she retires in her early 30s, Indica plans to put all her energies into farming

The model says she plans to stay in the porn industry for at least five more years before retiring in her early 30s and putting all her energies into her farm

Looking ahead, the model says,

Looking ahead, the model says, “I’m hoping to be able to buy an area in the next year or two, and then I’ll start the official planning process.”

Indica’s family who live nearby also grow sugar cane and have a few community gardens so she has access to fresh vegetables and fruits.

Her uncle is now a beekeeper, so she trades him eggs for fresh local honey.

While her dream is to create a “fully solar-powered homestead,” Indica is already halfway there.

“I own my current home and have made as much of the space as possible; I have my chickens and use a hydroponic system indoors to grow my herbs and leafy greens,” she revealed.

“I grow potatoes outside and have a full compost system! I think that’s a very realistic goal, but like all things, it costs money.”

Looking ahead, the model plans to stay in the porn industry for at least five more years before retiring in her early 30s and devoting all her efforts to living off the grid.

“I’m hoping to buy an area in the next year or two and then start the official planning process,” Indica said.

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