1650891849 Maria Giovanna Maglie and April 25 quotWhat is the Liberation

Maria Giovanna Maglie and April 25: "What is the Liberation March"

Maria Giovanna Maglie and April 25 quotWhat is the Liberation

“The Anpi is always the same”. Guest of L’Aria Che Tira on La7, Maria Giovanna Maglie He criticizes the National Association of Partisans of Italy, calling it “anti-American, ideological and old”. The journalist does not agree with the march launched on April 25, the day of liberation: “The Anpi has always she is nostalgic for the USSR, As long as there were veterans it made sense, now it’s a thing held by the hair.” And again, in connection with Myrta Merlino: “I didn’t see a single Ukrainian flag at the march. Today I see a march totally against the Ukrainian resistance and we are talking about an association that celebrates its resistance every day with weapons.” In short, for the journalist there is “an enormous contradiction”.

Then when you sit on this stool you have to tremble: Maria Giovanna Maglie very hard against Myrta Merlino |  Video

Controversy also about its president Gianfranco Pagliarulo who spoke years ago of the “Nazi regime of Kyiv responsible for brutal massacres, murders and torture” during the first war in the Donbass and denounced “the expansion of NATO” to the east, i.e. to Russia. “They – concludes Maglie – did not remove him from his role, he is still there”.

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Also on Ba7, in front of the Maglie, he was the colleague Fabrizio Roncone to accuse Anpi of being pro-Putin. Sentences that sparked a back and forth Luigi de MagistrisMember of the association and convinced of it Sergio Mattarella Sending arms to Kyiv violated Article 11 of the Constitution.

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Here is Maria Giovanna Maglie’s criticism of the Anpi parade