1650877347 My life has completely changed Paolo Bonolis destroyed the revelation

"My life has changed completely": Paolo Bonolis destroyed, the revelation is very difficult

Paolo Bonolis and the moment that literally turned his life upside down. He spoke about this in a recent interview

Many of those trying to break into the world of conducting or entertainment in general are inspired by those characters who managed to give themselves an important role in such a complex context. And here are some personalities who, over time, have managed to completely transform, evolve and become real crowd pleasers. The good guy did that with great results Paolo Bonolis, is now considered one of the most important conductors in the Italian panorama. A man who managed to establish himself with a great personality, starting with children’s programs and ending with events of significant importance.

Paolo BonolisPaolo Bonolis (web source)

Not just the shows that aired Mediaset, and which apparently fueled the myth of Bonolis. “Hi Darwin”, to name just one example, but also “Who framed Peter Pan” or “Strip the news”, all almost always accompanied by his friend and colleague Luca Laurenti. The two form a “perfect couple” and together they always manage to give the audience big laughs. But Bonolis’ career has touched on several important points.

Even the ‘Sanremo Festival“was another important milestone for Paolo. An edition, his, that caused a lot of conversation, especially for the songs that were presented on the Ariston’s stage. In short, a moment of great media attention, even if it was practically never lacking in Paolo’s case.

Paolo Bonolis, the harsh reaction after the birth of his daughter

Paolo BonolisPaolo Bonolis (web source)

After his first marriage to Diane Zoeller, Paolo found happiness and love again with him Sonja Bruganelli. The two have been starting a family for some time and together they form one of the most popular and followed couples. In recent months we’ve also seen Sonia hired as a columnist for Big Brother Vip. Family remains one of Paul’s great values, especially when you consider his love for children.

The conductor experienced very complex moments in the birth of the first daughter Silvia, who had postpartum complications, heart disease. The conductor himself spoke about it in an interview with the microphones of ‘Verissimo’: “That day completely changed my life“Explained the conductor”. The last month of pregnancy was hallucinating and I don’t have photos of Silvia as soon as she was born because I was kinda scared of getting attached to her,” Paolo explained again. Today Silvia is on the verge of 20 years and is one of the cornerstones of the conductor’s life.