Paraguayan President Appoints Lawyer as OAS Representative

Paraguayan President Appoints Lawyer as OAS Representative

The lawyer’s appointment followed the President’s decision to reject his candidacy as Attorney General to replace the outgoing department head, Sandra Quiñónez, a position eventually filled by Justice Emiliano Rolón.

Official Decree 8675, issued on Tuesday, approved the appointment as representative in the OAS of the former head, who previously served as adviser on security affairs to the presidency.

This position had been vacant since May 2021 following the death of Ambassador Elisa Ruiz after a long illness.

Political media commented that the election of the former Attorney General for the regional body, adopted between the President and the Senate, was a gesture of reparation after the former failed to appoint her as head of the public ministry after integrating a shortlist of proposed candidates had by the Judicial Council.
