University of Havana faculty websites are hacked

University of Havana faculty websites are hacked

Several faculty websites University of Havana (UH) woke up hacked this Monday to cover photos containing messages calling for the release of political prisoners and the end of the dictatorship.

The group Anonymous Cubaposing as a “Cuban human rights hacker” on Twitter claimed responsibility for defacing the UH websites.

The action consists of a Attack to change appearance a website. In this case, they modified the title messages of several faculties. At the time of writing this article, the websites are still unserviced, or at least not accessible from outside of Cuba.

“Cubans, the defaces the UH web, it’s content only, that doesn’t have much impact, just take the net out, but there’s more, much more, just it doesn’t compromise any of the other investigations. You can’t even imagine it. Down with the dictatorship,” Anonymous Cuba tweeted.

They also left a message to the President Miguel Diaz-Canelthey have alerted is in response to the ruler’s words to the Cuban people for the arrival in 2023.

“Cubans, understand that everything is wrong. We are light years from the world, everything is a lie. We couldn’t let this sad day go by without doing anything. Another year of misery and oppression,” they said of Anonymous.

The hacker group recently expressed in a video on their YouTube channel that their intention is not to harm the Cuban people but the Cuban government. Their action is considered an act of peaceful protest, similar to hanging up a sign that reads “Down with the dictatorship”.

They chose the universities for their attack because they saw them as centers of indoctrination for the Cuban regime. They warned that they will hold more protests in 2023.

It is not the first time that this group has hacked the websites of the Cuban regime’s university institutions.

In April 2022 they did something similar with the websites of the University of Guantánamo and left a message to the Cuban ruler that read: “Díaz-Canel Singao”, “Patria y Vida”, “Cuba is a Dictatorship”, “Freedom for Political Prisoners”.