Tough rescue in Vietnam child trapped in concrete pipe

Tough rescue in Vietnam: child trapped in concrete pipe

Four days after a 10-year-old boy fell down a 35-meter-deep concrete pipe in Vietnam, rescue work continues. Emergency services have been facing new problems due to the difficult terrain and extremely complicated circumstances of the rescue work, said Doan Tan Buu, spokesman for Dong Thap provincial government, on Wednesday.

“We believe helpers will pull the concrete pillar out of the ground today, but we don’t expect good news for the boy.” A camera previously lowered into the barrel did not show any signs of the child’s life.

Little Nam fell into a pipe at a new bridge construction site on Saturday. It is only about 25 centimeters in diameter. Authorities said no one thought a 10-year-old could get stuck that deep in the tube. The military also participated in the rescue work. With special equipment, rescuers tried to loosen the earth around the pipe so they could pull it up with a crane.